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Should they make me a moderator?

I'd go around and insult and warn the people who post retarded questions, like "What should I take for diarhhea?" and "Is my avatar hot?" and "Should I have a baby at 14?". The second offense would be a one day suspension, third would be a micronuclear bomb tossed into their windows at night while they were sleeping.


Okay, Suesan W is a dumb *****.

Update 2:

I'm sorry heidielizabeth69, but you are added to the blacklist. You better hope I don't become a moderator.

Update 3:

By the way, I didn't just say 'bomb them'... that's so plain and boring, I used the term 'micronuclear bomb', which means I'm cool, right?

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer


    your a sexist pig

  • 2 decades ago


    Somebody hav 2 insult people.. just so they know how stupid they r (stupid question will get stupid answer-thats 4 sure). And right now I guess U R the right person for that job. And if Yahoo wont take u in, then u SHOULD throw them a bomb also...while they r takin a


  • Eden*
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    if you truly promise to stop the 'is my avatar hot/pretty/cute' questions, and make sure I have a selection of sweets at my disposal I will be your campaign manager

  • 2 decades ago

    Oh you mean stupid questions like "Should they make me moderator so I can bomb people.

  • 2 decades ago

    I like the first answer lol... she had a point :)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    wow...your crappy avatar really scares the hell out of me

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