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Is there any evidence that Calderon stole the election?

Obrador says the election was fraud, I can not find any details on this. Answer in english if possible please.


Is there an independent organisation that has said there was fraud?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Seriously, you are wasting your time asking this to Mexicans, we are all divided, Lopez' people assure there was fraud but never got to show proof of it. Let me give you an example. Of course there are some inconsistencies regarding the number of votes but it is only because of human mistakes during the counting of all the votes, but I have to say that there was representation of each party during all the electoral process which makes impossible to have a fraud and nobody noticing it, all PRD's representatives signed and agreed that the election was clear. Only after July 2nd when Lopez had already lost they claimed there was fraud. This is a complicated issue even for Mexicans, it will be really difficult for them to accept they lost but I am sure there was no fraud at all, you will never find evidence but you will find a lot of angry people assuring that Fox, and the TRIFE and Coca Cola and everybody stealing the election from them. If you really want to know, stay away from our opinion, we are fighting each other here and we have lost all objectivity here

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it´s easy.

    One of the insititution (approved by AMLO before the election day) the TRIFE is in charge to solve all problems and discussion regarding to elections.

    AMLO lost, but he can not accept it, he has a lot of agreements with powerful people that will be grated if he could win the presidence. Now he knows that he needs to win to accomplish all those agreements.

    All the evidences that AMLO gave, were false, those evidence were reviewed by the TRIFE, in front of his people. (I suppose they thought that put a lot of paper in boxes could be enough to make all people think that those papers were real evidences) but they did not expect that the TRIFE could analize each paper one by one, and finally found that the objection was not certain.

    So AMLO try to say that the only way to know if he was the winner or no (in facts he desires faithfully to be a winner and can´t accept a "no" for response") is to count vote by vote...

    When we went to vote we made it pacifically, diseminated in in each place to vote there were 500,000 people from AMLO reviewing all things, and 1,000,000 aprox of common citizens that were who received the votes, made the account of them and report to the authorities the total amount of votes. He can´t say that there were fixed, due that all people there was common people selected between our own brothers, partners, friends, neighbors, etc. and he put one or more persons of his friends on those places.

    When he saw the election lost, said that his own people was buyed by "higher forces" and a lot of their people felt offended due to that comment, beacuse in the places where he lost their friends knew that there were a clean election and they were eyewithness of that clean accounting of votes.

    Due to that he lost a lot of people, and now he is using funds from the Mexico´s City treasury to pay strikes and other stuff to say that the election was not clean.

    The people on his camps, receive USD 20 if stay one day and 30 USD if stay there in the night, and all the food, tv shows, they have a carnnival there, and not have to pay for using electricity, water, etc. all this is stolen to Mexico´s City.

    A lot of people is still supporting him, have interest due he have promised to give them houses, despenses, etc (but not to every one only to who is helping him) so you can say he es buying the people support... must of them citizens not educated or farmers who are taken with the promise of two or three new chikens or cows... just imagine people knows that AMLO killed his own brother shooting on his head beacuse his brother vinced him on a children´s game...

  • 1 decade ago



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nope, Calderon won clearly and with democracy, AMLO is a bad looser, AMLO never played clearly, is a search-problems guy, AMLO wanna do a "alternative goberment" and these here is anti-constitutional, el peje is a serious damage for america and the world, el peje is antidemocratic guy and anarquist

  • 1 decade ago


    There's no evidence at all to say that.

  • 1 decade ago

    There was no fraud, Obrador says a lot of things, but he does't have any real evidence that prove it. The only true is that Calderon wins elections. Many people vote for Obrador, but much more for Calderon. Unfortunately Obrador says is the protector of mexicans, however, who has named him protector?

    Not me, and a lot of people, either...

    I beg you not no believe all the notices about "Obrador "

    The only and real truth is that "Calderon" wins de election... That is why I am very happy.

    Source(s): Personal regards.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there are alot of evidences, but it's difucult to put them all here or the links.

    there were more votes than voters in most of the urns.

    after the elections the judes recount only the 9.5 of all the votes and they found taht a lot of packajes taht containd the votes were opened. calderon lost arround 3 votes in each urn while obrador won 2 votes for each urn. but this recount wasn't enogh because what all obrador followers wanted the total recount fo the votes.

    at final the judes acepted de fraud because what realy govern in mexico is the money and the big businessman. and obrador represented that oprtunity to help the pour people.

    but is illogical that the rich goverments win in a country were the 60 % of the people lives whit only 2 dolar daily.

  • 1 decade ago

    López Obrador was unable to provide any evidence, that's why you can't find them anywhere.

    There's a website, " that claims to have all evidences, but it's only a blog full of unproven theories and leftist propaganda.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don´t know..... even though I am not mexican.... I have heard a lot of comments about "fraud" because many people say that they cannot understand why Calderon is the winner because they have had a lot of bad experiences with the actual president, who is of the same politic line

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think so Calderon is the new president by popular election

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