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During the Second World War,?

on a dark and misty night, an American pilot, in a badly shot up plane and wounded himself, lands on an aircraft carrier. It’s a miracle that he landed at all, he could hardly see, his eyes filled with blood from a head wound. He climbs out, barely able to walk, staggers over to the Officer on the deck and says,

“Sir, I had two bombs, I flew over Japan and I bombed a Japanese Factory. It went up in a huge ball of fire, killing many Japanese workers. On my way back, I saw a Japanese train, and I flew down and shot it up, using all my ammunition, but I stopped the train, and set it on fire, killing many Japanese soldiers. But they returned fire and I got wounded, and my plane got shot up pretty badly. But I made it back.”

“Ah..So…. you good pirate�� Says the Officer.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hahaha...Nice one. I love jokes like that with a nice twist at the end.

    Well done and thanks for posting it here:)

  • 1 decade ago


    That took me a loooong time to get.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i dont get it. was he still in japan or something?

  • 1 decade ago

    thats funny!!!!!!

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