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The night before the first Kamakazi attacks on the Allied Forces ships.?

A Japanese Officer was standing up in front of a few hundred young Japanese pilots, who were about to go on their first mission. They did not know what the mission was all about, they had not been told. The Officer was trying to explain how it was to be done, the best way he could.

“First, you will get into your planes, and fly out across our great Japan.”

“Then , after an hour or so, you will turn and fly out towards the ocean.”

“When you reach the ocean, you will see the many, many ships of the Yankee dogs”

“Then you will fly to them and pick one out. You will then fly down and aim your plane at the side of ship you picked out, and fly into it, blowing it up..”

“Any questions,please?”

There is a long silence…

The a hand comes up in the back of the room and a young pilot stands up.

The officer asks him, “Honorable Pilot, what is your question?”

“Sir!!” says the young pilot, “ARE YOU CRAZY OR SOMETHING?”

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ha ha - cute - crazy yes--that too

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ancient joke

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