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I sew for needy children but have run out of funds. Does anyone know a organization that I can join or that w?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    check with your local hospital. When my daughter had to go to the emergency room, she was very upset, especially with the needles and x-rays and just generally being overwhelmed at the tender age of 4. The nurse brought her a giraffe that was sewn by a group of ladies that sew these stuffed animals for the kids that have to come to the E/R. attached to the giraffe was request for donations of material - even scraps, because they can stuff the stuffed animals with the scrap - nothing is wasted! Made the whole trip much more bearable for all of us, and ever since the horrible trip and the huge shot, giraffes are now my daughters favorite animal!

  • 1 decade ago

    Check with your local churches, hospitals, craft and fabric stores too as they are almost willing to donate items for a good cause and the churches/hospitals will have groups similar to yours that you can probably join. Just get the word out and they will find you as well. You can also try posting an ad on a site such as will get many replies from that alone.

  • 1 decade ago


    Some times if you go to the Senior Citizen apartment complexes or Senior Communitites like Mobil Home Parks

    they would be a good source for you

    Also The Chamber of Commerce maybe able to direct you

    Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe try Local churches in your area. Girl Scout troops/boyscouts you get the picture. Maybe you could register yourself as a non profit organization. Check with the Ymcas in your area, too. Maybe large corporations would donate as they have funds to donate for tax write-off purposes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well have you tried red cross but if you really are serious about what you do then you could start your own fundraiser put up posters bulletins and things like that. You could do commercials. If that doesn't work maybe you should try to go to a back or get a loan .

  • 1 decade ago


    Check with your local craft stores and ask the manager or corporate manager if they are willing to donate any of the pieces of fabric that are odd shapes and sizes for starters.

    If you show them what your charity work is all about, I know they will be willing to make a donation.

    Source(s): joanne ect. a.c. moore ben franklin crafts
  • 1 decade ago

    Do you belong to a church or a charitable organization? If so this would be a great way to get others involved in helping the same way you do!

    Rhonda Winkler

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know of any that give money, but I am thinking if you contact sewing stores they might donate cloth and sewing supplies to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would contact the local child welfare office and the red cross in my area.

    the i would try the retail stores of fabric and see if the would donate the

    out of season. you may also have garage sales with you neighbors and use the proceeds for fabric. sell cookies,have the kids in the neighborhood

    to cut lawns and so forth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most local churches have quilting or sewing clubs for the needy..............if they don't, I'm sure one would be willing to sponsor your cause if shown what good you have done.

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