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Barb asked in Education & ReferenceHome Schooling · 1 decade ago

As an home-school family how many of you identify with the families showcased on the recent Dr. Phil episode?

I am waiting to see a tape of this show. But I have heard that it was highly unbalanced and prejudiced against home-schools.

Please describe the reality of your home-school.

The spectrum is very broad -- not one family's education system will be an identical match of another. And that is the beauty of having individual freedom.

The freedom to learn and to teach our children according to our own chosen method is a wonderful thing.

As far as I can tell Dr. Phil is not an expert on home-education. Nor is he an expert within the public or private education sytem. How can he know anything about home-schooling unless he has done it? Hear-say is not even excepted in a court of law but masses of people flock to believe a television personality or mere gov't school employees. It is better to find out first hand about home-education. Home-schools are not a mysterious thing -- there are tens of thousands all around us.

Read more about research at:


"an home school"

"a home school"

That depends.... I did it on purpose as I was taught to use "an" in front of words beginning with a vowel or an H.

Oh well. I guess I could change it if it will make you *a* happy person. Old grandma's can learn new grammar! There have been others telling me that grammar is now spelled as "grammer". So, show me in a book and I'll go with it.

Update 2:

hmmmm.... do you think or truly believe that children in public school are receiving the *best education possible*?

I guess the next question on the forum should read, "What is "the best education possible"........ anybody wanna post it?

Update 3:

Well, Jennifer's comments are rife with ridicule! No, I am not self-righteous -- not in the least. I'm sorry that you do not like my grammar. You don't need to insult me or my children. My daughter is in college. She receives A's from her writing instructors.

I'm very surprised that this forum is being used to debate home-schooling when it could be better used for information and encouragement.

Update 4:

Grammer and speling are eezy misstakes two make wen tipyng in a hurry. I do see them --- well, it isn't my intent to turn any of these writings in for a grade.....

But -- this is one point that you are missing: My children learn to study for mastery without formal *teaching* from me. I'm not as advanced as any of them. I received my training in public school. My mistakes stem from my background. My students are their own best teachers. Dd studied into calculus without my help -- heck, I couldn't even help her with algebra but she was able to calculate every equation with 100% accuracy! She corrects her college instructors too. She is not "super girl" and I'm not bragging about her -- I just want to show you that ANY student can learn to the best of their own ability with the self-teaching method. IT WORKS! It isn't a feather in my cap or anything about which to boast - it is a reality. Students CAN and DO learn at home with self-directed study.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I did not see the particular episode you're referring to... BUT I do have a thought to share on the subject. I've met quite a few children who were home schooled who have NO social skills whatsoever. (in other words, they are quite shy around others, and are in capable of interacting on the same level as someone who attends a structured school.) Also, unless the parents who are home schooling children are qualified to teach children, I have a VERY difficult time agreeing that these children are receiving the best education possible.

    Also, just to correct your grammar... it's "As a home schooled....", not "As an home schooled...."


    To "answer faerie" .... since when has the word "home" been a word beginning with a consonant but starting with a vowel sound???

    Simple misspellings happen to everyone ... even Harvard grads.... but not knowing or understanding basic grammar, because your schooling didnt' provide for it, is quite hurtful in the long run to the children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just to clear things up, it is 'a homeschooler'. You use 'an' before a vowel and a NON-aspirated 'h'. In 'honor', the 'h' is not aspirated. In 'homeschool' it is. So 'a homeschooler'.

    As for Dr. Phil; no, the family that he had on his show did not reflect tha vast majority of homeschoolers. No matter which homeschooling family you put on that show, they wouldn't represent but a very small percentage of homeschoolers. There's just too much variety in the homeschooling community.

    And to respond to the whole "homeschoolers I know have social problems".. you know.. I've heard people say that. And the funny thing is, the people I know in person, who complain about other people's social problems.. uhm, they aren't exactly Joe Socialite. Who gets to decide whether someone is "socialized" anyway?

    And, on that subject, who's to say that if those kids were in public school, that they'd be any different? If they were that "weird", they'd probably just be the "weird" kids at school anyway. Maybe that's *why* they are being homeschooled - because they just didn't fit in and the choice was to cram them into an uncomfortable box, or just let them be who they were? Who knows?

    Anyway, Dr. Phil's show wasn't any more biased or skewed than any of the other topics he's talked about. I don't think it was a big deal. The NYT article was much more interesting IMHO.

    To think that any one form of education is universally "good" or universally "bad" is foolish. There is no perfect system of education. Homeschooling isn't as bad as people say it is, and it's not a cure-all either. It works for the people who choose to use it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i do not recognize if it truly is genuine, nor do I care what he does, yet earlier you commence griping about what different's have or have not finished, what about you?? What have you ever finished for ok or the gulf coast?? i recognize I donated two times on the bottom right here in Alabama to deliver to the different militia households in Biloxi the position the bottom change into hit truly puzzling. I actually have donated many cases for the warriors battling over in Iraq. and that i'm constructive i'd be donating back quickly. My husband has already been 3 cases and about to bypass a 4th in Sept. My husband has also participated with Habitat for Humanity progression a house, one right here in Alabama and one in Biloxi. One does no longer might want to be wealthy to make contributions. Time is an fairly good help in a great number of cases. Have a effective day =)

  • 1 decade ago

    I taped it and watched it this morning. I too read some of the blogs of people that were in the audience and not wanting to judge on hearsay I wanted to see it for myself. I feel that He did not present all sides. He had 1 disgruntled woman who says she is socially retarded because of HS. She never said if she had parents that exposed her to any sort of activities, classes field trips etc. He also didn't have on one of the many "socially retarded" adults that did go through the PS system. I remember many. He had on 1 family that were "Radical Homeschoolers". He did not show traditional homeschoolers or eclectic homeschoolers or any of the other ways that people homeschool. He did not have on any HSers that have graduated school and gone on to college...which there are tons.

    He also had some from the California Board of education but did not have anyone that is from one of the homeschool clubs, co-ops groups etc that would be able to debate the issue properly.

    I actually plan on watching again and taking note this time to write a letter to Dr. Phil as I feel that he had an agenda against homeschooling without being fair.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your question, with all of its grammatical errors, is one reason why I am against home-schooling. You would never pass a college essay exam, so it is reasonable to conclude that your children never will either, since you can't teach what you don't know.

    I know many children who are being taught at home, since I am a Sunday School teacher, and I can tell you that without exception those children are poorly socialized and are viewed by the other children as "weird."

    I could go on, but I won't. Home-schooling is a religion unto itself, and in my opinion a cult religion. The children are the ones who suffer from this indoctrination because their parents are too busy bragging about their "religion" to pay attention to the disservice they are doing to their kids.

    Have a nice life. I'm not familiar with the altar of self-righteous arrogance and ignorance, but it must be a good place or you wouldn't be there, right?

  • 1 decade ago

    Reality- my kids are ahead of their peers and usually complain that the kids on the block are boring. My kids do well on standardized tests and totally blow away the state req tests. Neighbor kids could not even tell me why they were off for Veteran's Day but they could tell me who to vote for--the democrats--that is what their teacher said in class according to the kids! My kids are not geniuses--they are just allowed to learn in a way that works for them. It takes time and effort on all sides--parents, students.... and it can and does work all over the country and has for years. Dr Phil's people skewed the people on that show--and stacked the audience also. Lots of blogging from people who were at the taping tells it all--and what was seen on TV was prejudiced against the homeschoolers.

    Phil and Oprah(not me--I'm Orpah!!)--not worth my time

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sure Dr. Phil is not an expert on home-education.

    He just said it on T.V.

    Homeschooling... just like learning piano...1% talent and 99% practice can make it perfect. (not to be a Pianist ^_^ just good enough to play )

    I didnot say everybody should homeschool their kids but teach them one-by-one is a joy.

    Academy? There are a lot of online courses could help ppl do homeschooling...Don't worry about it!

    social skill? I really don't think kids in public school knew it...otherwise they should dealing with their peer, their parents, their family in some better way, right? Why our kids always having truble with that?

    Source(s): N.Y. Time
  • he has an agenda, and he positions himself as some kind of authority on matters about which he's clearly ignorant.

    Cyn, just to correct YOUR spelling, it's grammar.

    the an/h rule is that an is used with words which begin with a consonant but begin with a vowel sound, such as honor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    basically homey

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