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Not to offend, but what is up with Christian music? What happened to the Hymns?

IDon't get me wrong, I like a lot of new Christian music, but I am tired of Christian music that could easily be referring to a boyfriend or girlfriend it's ambiguity. Is anyone else? I miss the Hymns they were so beautifully written and filled with Spiritual and Theological meaning.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you. Most of the modern Christian music produced today is uninspired, to say the least. It seems to be written and sung by people who wanted to be regular pop musicians, but couldn't make it, so they tried squeezing into another niche. The traditional hymns speak of power and glory; they stir the soul. Most of what you hear on contemporary Christian stations is just warmed-over, syrupy Hallmark sentiments. I'm not excluding the possibility of good contemporary gospel music- in fact, I'd like to hear it. I just can't find it.

  • 4 years ago

    I actually agree. My own and diverse non secular beliefs aside, i imagine cutting-edge Christian music is a shame for your faith. The "boyfriend/female friend" references are truly bringing, in my opinion, public opinion of the religion to an section that per chance isn't precise. Hymns were soulful and helpful. attempt became put in to them. there became no shame. it really is virtually like cutting-edge Christian musicians are ashamed to be Christian -- that they had truly charm to a pop target audience to be "cool" or make money, so that they toss in some ambiguous words the following and there.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree 100%. The Hymns mean mosts to me too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an ex-catholic but the Music they Play and Sing is pretty good.

    Especially at Christmass, Midnite Mass.

    I like good Music.

    Most of what I hear I call Canned Music.

    Very Few that really Catch your Ear.

    Things Cycle.

    Good GOD Music is on it's Way.


  • Esther
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think some of the older more conservative churches still sing from hymn books. We, in my church, sing them. We also have more upbeat praise and worship music, it's a mix of both. I love them all!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree. I am constantly looking for the older hymns.

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