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Real Lost fan?

OK, I've been watching Lost since the first season and I cant remember what happened to Bernard and his wife. Does any one remember them? Older white man married to a black woman. Where did they go?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I always joke with my brother about this. "Where are Bernard and Rose?" I think the writers got a little sloppy with this because they are not even shown in the background scene. Gosh! Not even as extras! I think the show is expensive to produce and there was simply no storyline for them. It's kind of strange because Bernard was one of the tailies who was stranded with Echo, Libby and Ana Lucia. You would think there would be one scene in which he reacts to all three of their deaths.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i think of Season 4 will revolve around Ben dying/being killed, then Locke taking over by using fact the hot chief of the Others. And he does not go with to bypass away the island. perhaps we are going to additionally get flash forwards to any extent further. comprehend it is how the final season finale ended. And the manufacturers know eaxctly how many episodes they have left. 40 8. they are able to now plan the completed sequence from here on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They're just in the background right now. They're not playing a big role in the plot. Don't worry, they didn't disappear. They're just not the main characters.

  • 1 decade ago

    when both of them met and being together.. i think that's pretty much it... as they are not much drama as compare to the others

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