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Lv 6
fozio asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastEgypt · 1 decade ago

ADSL Speed in Egypt?

I tried testing my adsl speed and the result was a fraction of the speed that i pay for!! I tried several times, during different hours and the result is variable but never even half of the contract based speed.

Are we being scammed? and what can we do about it?

if you did not take the test, try the below url.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We are being scammed buddy!

    And if you confront one of them with this fact they will talk a lot of technical crap. If you happen to be aware of these technical IT crap, then the fault is the "central" not us!

    At least you can advise the ones who didn't buy yet the adsl to buy half the capacity!

  • 1 decade ago

    i think you all are being scammed, i am married to an egyptian man and i was there in egypt with him and he had dsl and it was slower then i have ever seen and also i seen there that you all are always having to do new windows on your pc's, that is not normal either.

  • 1 decade ago

    You bet I am being scammed.

    I got this and I don't know what it means:

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