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Have you used a Turkish Coffee Pot?

Is there a particular one you would recommend? What kind of coffee do you use? My Russian-born doctor highly recommended this method of brewing, but I didn't ask where she got hers.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I actually use one to make Greek (not Turkish) coffee. You should look for a bronze long-handled "briki" pot which will make two demi-tasse cups of coffee.

    You can find these briki pots at any Middle Eastern import shop. Make sure you don't get the enamel ones, as they have a tendency to rust. Only the copper ones will do.

    The coffee is usually a powdered brand. If you grind your own, it must be the finest grind setting on the machine. It should actually look like cocoa powder.

    You can always buy packaged Greek coffee at the same stores where you can buy the briki pot. My favorites are Bravo and Loumidis.

    Directions on making the coffee are usually on the package, but it's very easy. Just heat two demitasse cups of water in the pot with 2 teaspoons of sugar until it boils. Add 2 heaping teaspoons of Greek coffee and stir until frothy.

    Watching the pot carefully, put it back on the heat until the coffee starts bubbling and rising near the top. Quickly pull it off the heat. Repeat twice (three times in all) and then pour into two demitasse coffee cups.


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have a Bunn brand and I love it! It is expensive, but it makes the best coffee! I am a coffee nut...I drink it all the time! Mine has a tank on the back of it that stays heated so when you pour the water in, its actually water that has been heated up instead of the water that you just poured in. Hope you find a better coffee pot so you can enjoy your coffee!

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