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kenny J asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why does President Bush care more about Iraq than our own children in America?

He did veto the health care program for kids but wants more and more money for his iillegal war in Iraq.


Okay to happy mommy:

"Way to go on emotion instead of looking at the facts, typical though. Why do libs not care about the safety of our troops? See, I can do it too.


You don't sound too happy!

Does it bother you that this war has cost

the US $457,021,570,726 as of the second I posted this?

Think the GOP has any qualms about jumping into MY wallet to pay for an illegal war?

Imagine how much health care that could buy the poor kids. Screw your emotions.

And allen a you say " as for the war, ever hear the term National Security?

Sure but you all think of the movie evidently. I don't see how Iraq had any threat to the US national security.

No Navy.

No Air Force.

No WMDs.

No connection to 911.

A Republican (sic) Army that couldn't protect the nation from an announced attack.

Not providing adequate health care to our nation's poor kids is the REAL threat to America

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bush vetoed the healthcare bill for kids in the USA...and yet pumps billions into the cesspool named Iraq!

    Bush is almost out of office. Thank God.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    President Bush wanted to expand the program by $5Billion, and keep it for those that truely needed help with insurance. The Dems wanted to expand the program by $35 Billion, and expand it to cover all Americans that made under $62,000 per year. The wonderful Representatives and Senators from New York got the limit in that state increased to $84,000. Now stop and think for a minute. If employers see that the government is going to provide health care insurance for those families that make under $62,000 per year, how long do you think it will be before employers STOP OFFERING health insurance for their employees? If I, a stupid conservative, can figure it out, don't you think the Democrats thought of it? It is the first step toward a ever growing, never ending entitlement. The Dems knew that President Bush would veto the bill. They wanted the ISSUE that he "cares more about Iraq than our own children in America" to further beat him up with. They will spread the miss information that he "killed" the bill, when in actuallity, he recommended and expansion of it. It's simply another example of the far left misinforming the public.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    As liberal as I am, I am also a fiscal conservative with a few basic principles, one of them being that people first have to assume responsibility for themselves and the decisions they make.

    I don't believe the government should be bailing out every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Jane.

    The program does not need to be expanded for people making more than a "living wage". Those people need to get their priorities straight.

    I don't want to see us paying for insurance for families that make as much as $80,000 a year because they chose to have six children. They can figure out how to get by.

    Given our current programs for the needy, if we simply gave every person below the poverty level $10,000 (regardless if they are in a family or single), we would put them all above the poverty level and save the country $200Billion a year.

    An extra $35B for this program is too much. It's too much to spend in Iraq, it's too much to spend on a lot of things. I say take the money and pay down the debt.

    Lead by example and show the average American that the government is serious about its responsibilities, too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Bush did the right thing in his veto of this bill. While I appreciate the things the democrats want to do, they are going to have to demonstrate some common sense in the bills they write or I won't vote for them either. Some of the stuff they are coming up with is ridiculous. I'm sick of these people playing politics. None of them seem able to do anything that is actually good for the country. Constant turmoil is all they seem to accomplish in both parties.

  • tom
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your question show you are half witted and will run with two subjects to gain an answer to suit your own political agenda.

    Those rascally Democrats just want to expand the expanse of low income needs into the middle class incomes.

    This would allow these wage earner, the ability to forgo private health insurance,and monetarily pocketing their responsibility to their children.

    The end result would draw us closer to Socialized Medicine

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Bush suggested he 2000 i visit be a compassion conservative to attain out to all individuals. First six years of Bush no longer one spending bill became vetoed by Bush that surpassed the Republican Congress. The previous 2 years Bush discover ways to spell veto. money for conflict no longer for infants. plenty for the compassion uncle George.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, if you define children up to 25 that live in a family making $80,000 to be in need...

    Way to go on emotion instead of looking at the facts, typical though. Why do libs not care about the safety of our troops? See, I can do it too.

    Source(s): LIBS - GET THE F*** OUT OF MY WALLET!
  • 1 decade ago

    It is not about Bush caring or not caring or who cares about children or any of us. Both parties and the "establishment" promise us "benefits" to control our lives. The government, controlled by "elitist" cares for only one thing, Power! With power the Marxist, neo-cons politicians and bureacrats can control all of us. We are trading our freedoms for security, Franklin said, "If you trade freedoms for security, you have neither."

    Who should be responsible for children? Parents or the government?

    Source(s): Books: "Unseen Hand:" "The Creature From Jekyl Island;" and "None Dare Call it Comspiracy." And the Internet
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    give it a rest! whatever happened to parental responsibility?cannot afford to pay for your kids- do not have kids! what ?everyone in this country turned into a moron or a free loader? why should I pay for your kids health's tax money stupid! as for the war,ever hear the term NATIONAL SECURITY?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    saddams brother took off with a whole lot of money from the bank in iraq with the aid of a lot of trucks.....or did he bushy boy. Where did you guys meet for the pickup ay bushy. Bush cares more about iraq because he can write off alot of what he can claim from iraq, i.e oil, cash, but he didnt think he would be in for a fight with the locals. He is seriously the dumbest president america has ever had. I feel sorry for american people because they now have his bad rep

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