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i saw a video of childbirth n im freaked about labor since then, im getting scared of pregnancy,?

for women, who r scared rxtremely, is it better to have a c-section, is it not better than freaking out throughout 9 months cuz of being scared. what if certain women have very low threshold for pain??

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a bit frightening when you watch someone else have a child but when it is you it seems much different. You won't notice the things that you see in the videos and you will be anxious to see your little one. After the baby is out and everything was over it was the best experience that I have ever had in my life. If you are scared of the pain ask for an epidural they are amazing.

    Source(s): two year old daughter and 38.6 days pregnant with a boy
  • 1 decade ago

    I understand completely! I watched my older sister give birth last week. And I totally wish I never would have been in the room since I am pregnant and it wasn't very pretty! TV makes everything look totally different then it willl really be like.

    Also for the Pain she had the Epidural- and she felt nothing, it just looks more painful then it is to the person doing this.

    I keep saying I hope I will need a c-section- But that will be a more painful recovery-- Eitherway Im scared and freaking out and Im not that far in yet! lol atleast we are in the same boat! But hold in there we can do it :)

    Source(s): 14w5d#1
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Watching someone else give birth is never pretty, but somehow it's not as bad when you're the one giving birth.

    It's natural to be worried about pain. Many women are (I admit I am). There are several pain relief methods you can consider. I had an epidural and it removes all sensation below the waist.

    As for a c-section,it isn't exactly a way to avoid pain, in fact if anything it's more painful than going natural. While they do the procedure under anaethesia (usually an epidural), once it wears off it's going to hurt. After all, they've just cut through several layers of skin, muscle, tissue etc. And it'll hurt to some extent until you heal in about 4-6 weeks.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was freaked pretty bad, but took a two day birthing class with my first pregnancy and it helped me. We watched a vaginal and a c section birth and too be honest, the c section was horrible looking. I was induced because of high blood pressure, and it was NOT fun. I toughed it out for two hours till i could not take it anymore. The freaking contractions were coming 30 seconds apart and i didn't have time to catch my breath or to try to stop crying before the next one slammed into me. I hope and pray that this one comes easy with no problems such as high blood pressure. Cuz I will not let them induce me this time. Besides I wanna feel the natural labor until I can't take it no more. I don't know how my threshold for pain is when it comes to labor, but I am willing to find out. Don't freak yourself out to much. Try watching one of the c section births or watch on the DISCOVERY channel the baby shows. It helped me. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS

    Source(s): 7 weeks pregnant with second
  • 1 decade ago

    It is normal to be a bit fearful of labour but women's bodies are designed to give birth.

    A few suggestions:

    *take a childbirth class (preferably one that focuses on pregnancy and labour as being normal and natural.) Birthing from within is a good class.

    *Read positive books such as: Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, Birthing from Within, The Birth Book and The Birth Partner. Try to stay away from the ones that are more focused on what can go wrong.

    *Read positive Birth Stories (a few of the books above have beautiful stories)

    *Watch positive birth videos such as the ones on the Gentle Birth Choices DVD, Search on YouTube for Natural Childbirth.

    Your body equips you for labour by starting slowly and building. It also releases endorphins which are a natural pain reliever produced by our bodies, even if you have a low pain threshold. Fear and Tension however, have the opposite effect they produce adrenaline which counteracts labour and the endorphins produced.

    Birth Pain is Different from other Pain ---Quote from Ina May Gaskin

    ".....When you are injured and feel pain, its message is "run away!" or "Fight!" You are being damaged." This is survival information. The pain of labor and birth has an entirely different message. It says: "Relax your pelvic muscles. Let go. Surrender. Go with the flow. Don't fight this. It's bigger than you.' This is far different from the message of "Protect yourself!" or "Run away!" that accompanies injury......"

    One other thing you might look into or try is Hypnobirthing. Hypnosis can be an effective method for pain relief.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I have a 9 month old son, and I was scared also, but taking child birth and all the classes your hospital offers may help lower you scaredness. It help me out alot. The more knowledge you have about pregnancy and your body as a women the more confidence you will have knowing your body was made to do it and you will get through it. Its scary at first but for me after he came out of me i was sitting there just so shocked that i just gave birth and it wasn't as scary as i thought it would be. In my mind i was thinking wow thats it thats what everyone so scared of. The best advice i can give you is call up your local hospital and see what type of classes they offer fr preganant women and their families. Being able to understand your body is made and very much capable of giving birth will do you very very well when its time to have your baby. Contractions to me feel like cramps around your belly botton area. They are more annoying than painful. Hope this helps you a little.Good Luck Children are a blessing, and being able to give birth is also a blessing!

    Source(s): Experience is my source
  • 1 decade ago

    You can take childbirth class, it would be helpfull to you....

    We're all a bit scared of labour and delivery to some extent, but can do it. You really can. It has a life of its own, and while it can get very painful, the second your baby is out, you don't care anymore. You're elated.Women's bodies are meant to deliver children. You are made for this. You can do it. It's natural to be scared. But I wouldn't opt for a c-section unless it's medically necessary. I have heard that healing from a c-section is more painful than healing from natural childbirth.

    And I have 2 viedeos of baby's birth.. so can guess from these vedioes......I m sending, u can see....



    And also cheque babies vedioes on yahoo..

    Have a nice day......

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm MORE scared of being sliced open!! that's not natural, but vaginal birth is.

    just a few cesarean risks:

    -poses documented medical risks to the mother's health, including infections, hemorrhage, transfusion, injury to other organs, anesthesia complications, psychological complications, and a maternal mortality two to four times greater than that for a vaginal birth.

    -increases the risk to the infant of premature birth and respiratory distress syndrome, both of which are associated with multiple complications, intensive care and burdensome financial costs. Even mature babies, the absences of labor increases the risk of breathing problems and other complications.

    -can delay the opportunity for early mother-newborn interaction, breastfeeding and the establishment of family bonds.

    i'm scared, too. but what's helped me is taking childbirth classes (bradley classes) in which you learn what actually happens, how your body responds, how you heal, etc. and you learn it's perfectly natural & not ''bad" pain but productive pain.

    have you ever noticed, that as soon as the baby is out, the mom has pretty much already forgotten about the labor?

    pretty encouraging, imo.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you taken any birth classes? I am 8 1/2 months preggers and was incredibly scared as well. Since then, I have taken a birth class that lasted eight weeks. My husband and I both attended every class and it has taken a lot of the fear out of giving birth. The class will teach different measures to handle pain if you want to go natural. It also discusses your options if you would like medical intervention when it comes to pain. If you haven't already, contact your hospital about birthing classes, mine has been great!

  • 1 decade ago

    You should consider reading a book about childbirth. It is a very natural process and your body pretty much knows what to do. If you read more about it and learn what is actually happening during contractions, you might not be as scared. I would recommend reading "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way". Very descriptive. Good pictures. You'll be fine. Are you pregnant?

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