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Is There Someone Whom You Would Like to Publicly Forgive?

On This Forum?...The Inspiration For My Question,Is Related To An Earlier Question Asked By Rammie(Ramjet)


LOL @ "Yaweh"...Don't forget Tom!...BTW,Crow is in my cyber closet of Avatars...and yes,I have forgiven those rascals.

Update 2:

Thumbs up,for everyone...Some very funny,some very heartfelt and honest...LOL @ James and Universal Pants!!...all good answers..thank you

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No.....I try to forgive when an offense takes place. And if I have a hard time forgiving someone, I usually begin praying for that person. I may not even feel like praying for them, but do it anyway out of obedience and a desire to find forgiveness for's amazing how sincerely praying for another person will change our heart toward them, not only enabling us to truly forgive, but also develop a genuine love for them.

    I would like to publicly ask for forgiveness from anyone who I may have offended unknowingly on here. Sometimes I can be too blunt in what I say. I never mean it to come across in a hurtful way, but being a "bottom-line" kind of person. I sometimes lack tact. lol

    There isn't a single person on this forum that I dislike or have ill-will toward, and I hope the same can be said concerning how others feel about me. :))


    EDIT: And what George said!.....although I'm gonna have to pray on that one! ;) I feel so abandoned.................................

    ***cries pitifully***

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure, though I don't think she'll see it. I forgive Ann Marie for dumping me as her friend, especially when you meant little of what you said. It hurt a lot, but it was the best thing for me. I'm much better off. Had you not done so, I would have stuck with you being a "friend" to the bitter end to the detriment of my future. I don't think that's the way you thought it would go, but I am grateful that you did it because 1) it eliminated the guilt I felt for what happened in the past and 2) allowed me to have my life as it is today because it wouldn't have happened with you still in the picture, pretending to be friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd like to publicly forgive a one time best friend of mine, named Sarah.

    We parted ways under very resentful circumstances, and I thought I had forgiven her; that is until today when something sparked a bad memory of her, and I lashed out in anger.

    Perhaps by doing this maybe the forgiveness I want to have for her will stay permanently this time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I want to forgive all the MANY Yahoos who have tried to hurt my feelings, and I do humbly ask your forgiveness, dear reader, for any thing I have foolishly said that hurt your feelings.

    Jesus' first sermon was "Repent". Turning around our bad ways is a form of being born again that every one can agree on.

    God says to forgive without ceasing, and He is always right. Forgive me if that offends any one. I know some Yahoos seem offended at His very name being mentioned. Sorry.

    I just can't seem to stop spreading the good news.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll publicly forgive Italian Man Man man for saying I was stupid because I posted that atheists were not religious and did not believe in any gods.

    He said I was dumb for having said that and that atheism was NOT a religion.

    Does anyone else see what i see in his remark?

    Anyway, I was hurt by his nasty gram, but I forgive him publicly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there, I am glad I saw this, for I need to do it publicly.

    I forgive my boss (he is an attorney) for going away on leave to the coast and not paying our salaries, so that we have to go into Christmas with no money.

    I forgive you () for by with holding my salary, I could not pay my maid and I felt so sorry for her. She also have nothing and I felt bad.

    So I have it out in the open and now I can be free.

    I just have the following scripture for him (my boss) but I don't even think he reads his Bible.

    James 5:3 - Your money has rusted and the rust will be evidence against you, as it burns your body like fire. Yet you keep on storing up wealth in these days. You refused to pay the people who worked in your fields (your office) and now their unpaid wages are shouting out against you. The Lord All-Powerfull has surely heard the cries of the workers who harvested your crops. While here on earth you have thought only of filling your own stomachs and having a good time. But now you are like fat cattle on their way to be butchered. You have condemned and murdered innocent people, who could't even fight back.

    So Lord please forgive me for the bitterness that I have haboured against my boss. You speak to his heart Lord.

    Thank you for your forgiveness Lord and I choose today to forgive him and set him free, so that I can also be free.

    Notwithstanding my hardship Lord I choose to praise you in the circumstanses not for it, but in it and I praise your Name, the Name of Jesus Christ.

    In Jesus Name


    Source(s): Just me
  • 1 decade ago

    There is only one person that I would like to forgive publicly,

    his user name is Bonsai Bobby, and I would like to publicly forgive him for his taking a job, and putting that filthy lucre, mammon, the almighty dollar before spending time with his friends.

    and I would also like to state on this public forum that we all miss him terribly.

    but understand that life take money, so yes Bobby, i forgive you.

    Source(s): jcms
  • They're probably not on this forum, but I would like to apologize to anyone I may have helped get into the Mormon Church when I was a missionary.

    I was wrong.

    Mormonism is a cult and there is no god.

  • Not really.

    But I have never even held a grudge to forgive anything. The worse thing anyone did to me was clone me for a few days and well it was kinda fun after all. So Julia and I are cool as far as I am concerned. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    The sweet elderly woman down the street who always gives all her surrounding neighbors each a sweet homemade 10 lb fruitcake, packed with gumdrops, walnuts, and raisins. Doesn't that make your mouth water?

    LOL I love her to death, but for the love of Moses, I regift fruitcakes! (Maybe I should forgive myself?)

    God Bless her sweet soul!

    And God Bless You sweet brother!

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