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Why do kids have kids?

I am mystified by the number of 13, 14, 15 & 16 year old girls getting knocked up. Every day there is another question here about a girl who had a baby and is now in a bad relationship. It saddens my heart to see these girls burdening their lives. I know alot of girls these days want to grow up fast, but seriously, having a child does not make you grown up it only shows how immature you are to get yourself into that position to start with. A grown up person makes wise decisions and is capable of standing on their own in life.

Please wake up girls, sex does not make you an adult, babies do not give you freedom. All you get is heartbreak and a much harder start to life. Have respect for yourselves and get yourself together. How unfair to bring a baby into this already difficult world when you are not ready to raise it. Selfish to say the least.

If you are un-happy with your life, then buckle down and do the things that will help you get out and get better, like school & work.


True women obviously has 21 year olds confused with kids. Boys are just as much to blame for this problem. And catagorizing Brittany Spears as a role model just goes to prove that they are too immature to be making these types of decisions. People, I feel sorrow for these girls, I truly do. I think that having an adult discourse on these types of problems is the only way to help educate these poor girls. Ignoring it does not seem to be working.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think some of these girls mistake sex for love, then end up suffering the consequences of raising a child, therefore having to grow up much faster then they were prepared for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honey addressing the females doesn't excuse the fact that these little *** boys are out here having babies too. Most of the time the baby's father is years older than the mother. Address the situation in whole, don't point the finger at one side. I was 21 when i had my daughter, her father 29. I stepped up and did what i had to do, and he is living life. Get real... babies do make you grown. All the things you worried about as a child, a teen are gone. All that is on your mind is your child. I was legally grown, and it still was hard. I was in college and gradutating on time. If you haven't been young and pregnant, then you're on the outside looking in and you know NOTHING! These young ladies need moral support, and someone that's willing to help. You pointing out their mistakes, or mishaps in simply redundant. These ladies are mother's and deserve respect regardless of their ages. When we as a people let people like Brittney Spears have babies, and her sister (who was by the way working for a teen TV network) have babies in the spot like, it makes these girls think motherhood is glamorous, and it's not. It's tough being a mother, but even harder being a young mother. Use your words to encourage and not discourage. These young women are already at the mercy of the world, why add to a bad situation. Be grown up help out...or SHUT UP!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree 100%

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Amen! I work in public housing and see this everyday. Very sad....

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