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Lv 6

POll: Ladies, what type of man excites you.............?

The quite,shy type?

The life of the party?

The manly man type?

The sensitive type?


15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer's really hard to answer this question because I like a little of everything. I've liked the quiet, shy types and the manly man type. I've never really been attracted to the "life of the party" type. I think the sensitive type would be annoying after a while, especially because I'm the sensitive type so that would be too much sensitivity in a relationship. I guess I like the quiet, shy types yet manly at the same time....

    Actually I was talking to my husband the other day and one thing that is so attractive about him is that he's so smart/ logical. He's a quick thinker, can solve any problem, he can take stuff apart and put it back together with no instructions~ it's like he just *knows* stuff....he's just very logical and smart...and he's awesome with directions. It doesn't matter where we are, he can tell you which direction we're going and how to get back to where we started.

    I can honestly say that I'd feel safe with him if we were stranded in the woods or on a deserted island. He'd know how to build me a hut, start a fire and and catch me a fish.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The manly man

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL,one that can mow,change a lightbulb,do laundry,do dishes,use a vacum,make the beds,attend to the kids,feed the pets,do the cooking, etc etc,and bring out the struggle rug and show me a good loving time! A man that is sensitive,manly,funny+romantic,someone with a nice personality,with a hint of rugged..Order for one to go please!!

    Source(s): omg just pinch me,i must be dreaming again!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A manly man, who knows how to have fun and has a sensitive and romantic side too. Someone who knows themself and can show me a GOOD TIME!

  • Liquid
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The quiet shy type

  • 1 decade ago

    My man: takes charge when he needs to, makes me feel safe, values my opinion, makes me laugh, intelligent, manly, thoughtful, good in bed, OH YEAH

  • 1 decade ago

    I get excited by a guy that is intelligent with a keen sense of humor...someone who is romantic and has beautiful expressive eyes. (a vivid imagination & someone who likes to have fun is a Plus too!) :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he has to be outgoing !

    comfortable in his own skin

    a bid of a bad boy but yet still knows when to be serious !

    has to have some sense of direction by knowing what he wants in life

    & very romantic ! <3


  • 1 decade ago

    quite shy

  • Creepy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    musician, creative, witty, funny, a tad bit sensitive, and open-minded

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