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2 wiccan questions?

1. Do I have to have an altar in order for my spells to work? 2. Do I have to cast a circle in order for my spells to work? I never did cast a circle. Please dont answer and say "spells dont work" because thats an insult to me and the religion that I was raised from

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been doing this for 25 years. I believe that the energy and time you put into preparation (which includes preparing an alter and casting a circle) has a direct corrolation to what you get out of your intended task (ie, the outcome). Personally, I believe casting a circle is important for two reasons: first it offers YOU protection and it helps in concentrating the energy needed to complete the task.

    Casting a circle.

    For me, casting a circle is a ritual in itself. I start in the east and with sword or staff physically mark the circle to create a safe space. I say: Spirits of evil, unfriendly beings, unwanted guests, begone! Leave me, leave this place, so that a protective circle is cast. I then go around the circle a second time with salt water and incense and say: Salt and sea, of ill stay free, Fire and air, Draw all that is fair. Around and around, the circle is bound. I then go around a third time as I call to the quarters saying: Hail guardians of the east, I humbly ask you to freshen my circle, that I may have a clear mind to see my way. Let your presence create a safe space. Blessed Be. Hail guardians of the south, I humbly ask you to warm my heart that Imay have passion as I fight injustice. Let your presence create a safe space. Blessed Be. Hail guardians of the west, I humbly ask you to purify and quench my thirst that I may let the drought of separation be over. Let your presence create a safe space. Blessed Be. Hail guardians of the north, I humbly ask you to strengthen my resolve and keep me centered so that I may, here and now, complete the task at hand. Let your presence a safe space. Blessed Be.

    To the God and Goddess: Say: The circle is cast. I have created a sacred space. Creator, both God and Goddess, I never doubted Your presence. I humbly ask You, Creative Life Force: God and Goddess, to bless my circle and to be with me in perfect love and perfect trust. With Your blessing, free from fear, aid me as I complete the task at hand.

    (Perform your spell, ie the task)

    Charge the spell binding with words of power, SAY:

    By air and earth,

    By water and fire,

    So be bound,

    As I desire.

    By three and nine,

    Your power I bind

    By moon and sun,

    My will be done.

    Sky and sea

    Keep harm from me.

    Cord go around,

    Power be bound,

    Light revealed,

    Now be sealed.

    By all the power

    Of three times three,

    This spell bound around

    Shall be.

    To cause no harm,

    Nor return on me.

    As I do will,

    So mote it be.

    Earth the Power (Grounding the Power). This IS necessary. Power must be earthed every time it is raised, otherwise the force we feel as vitalizing energy degenerates into nervous tension and irritability.

    Say: Power, sink. Sink into the ground and relax. Let the power sink through us into the earth. Relax, and let the force flow through us, let if flow deep into the earth, where it will be cleansed and renewed. Let it flow to the earth in peace.

    Open the Circle with the same reverence you cast it. Guardians of the East, I thank you for joining my circle. I humbly ask for your blessing as you depart. May there be peace between us now and forever. Blessed Be.

    Guardians of the South, I thank you for joining my circle. I humbly ask for your blessing as you depart. May there be peace between us now and forever. Blessed Be

    Guardians of the West, I thank you for joining my circle. I humbly ask for your blessing as you depart. May there be peace between us now and forever. Blessed Be.

    Guardians of the North, Powers of Earth, I thank you for joining our circle. I humbly ask for your blessing as you depart. May there be peace between us now and forever. Blessed Be.

    Open arms wide and say:

    Goddess and God

    I thank you

    For Your presence,

    For Your circle,

    For light and love,

    I ask for your blessing

    As you depart.

    Hail and farwell! Blessed Be.

    Then say:

    The circle is open, but unbroken,

    May the peace of the God and Goddess

    Remain in my heart,

    Merry meet, and merry part,

    And merry meet again.

    Blessed Be.

    Source(s): 25 years experience
  • 1 decade ago

    1. You don't necessarily NEED an altar, but it is a good way of focusing the energy that you are sending out.

    2. Again, casting a circle can help you to focus, but is not needed. I feel that casting a circle helps keep my mind and energy where it should be. So, when I have the time I'll go 'all out', but it does work just as fine without all the fanfare. It's kind of like prayer, you don't HAVE to kneel or put your hands together, but people still do. It all has to be what 'feels' best for you. You said that you had never cast a circle, try it, then decide what's best for you.

    )o( Blessed Be!

    Source(s): Practicing for 13 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'll address your second question first. Casting a circle is a way of holding in energies until they are ready to be released into the world, so I would infer that without a circle the energies are not able to build and get more force behind them before they are released.

    For your first question, I would say an alter is important, but not crucial. I think it would be helpful to have though as a way to organize and focus on the task at hand by having all of your things laid out on it rather than here and there. In terms of spells, the major factor behind your spell working or not is the amount of energy you put into it, as well as having faith that the spell will indeed work.

    These are just my opinions and bits of what I've learned so far.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm still a Neophyte so take what i say with a grain of salt :)

    I personally don't see why you would need a circle or altar to cast spells.

    when casting a spell you are releasing your personal "power" into the universe to get something out of it.

    i don't see where the altar or circle is needed in doing this.

    Actually i have used spells that don't require a circle or altar.

    Now don't get me wrong, some spells are designed for use within the circle (these are pre-written usually coven spells) but you can design your own spells, and write them so you don't need a circle or altar.

    )O( Blessed Be!

    Source(s): I've studied wicca and witchcraft for 4 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    Forgive me I'm still new to Paganism and Wicca but I have been reading a lot of books. Wicca is a more relaxed religion with not as many "have to dos" compared to others. However, from what I've learned so far the altar and circle are not necessary but are required if you want the best outcome. The way I see it, not using them is like trying to bake a cake without all the ingredients. You can always go small with the set up and shorten the ritual. How else do you harness the power of the elements or invoke a deity?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. no. I don't often use an altar, but instead use a music stand to hold my stuff.

    2. no... I often do a LBRP, which is a circle, but they're not necessary. You may want to though, burn some incense to purify the space if you're not casting a circle. ... This will keep the intent of your spell directed.

  • 1 decade ago

    As others have already responded -

    1. No, you don't need an altar.

    2. No, you don't need to cast a circle.

    However, if you have issues with focusing or have never done spell/energy work then I suggest working with both as well as other "tools" of the craft. The human mind tends to wander if not trained and energy/spell work requires a lot of concentration and focus so tools can be quite beneficial.

  • 1 decade ago

    As others have pointed out the answer to both your questions is no, there are no "have to" in Wicca. We don't have the women in black that will smack you over your knuckles if you say or do something "wrong".

    Most of us do keep alters as it serves as a mental focus for where we do our work but I have just as easily done magick while pausing outside during a chore. Just like having a favorite chair to sit in to read, an alter is a favorite or comfortable space to do your work.

    Casting circle is not needed for magick to work either. The purpose behind casting circle for spell work is so that it creates a psychic container for you to build your energy until you are ready to release it. Additionally it acts as a psychic barrier to protect you while you build this energy to help keep out distractions.

    Blessed Be )O(

  • 5 years ago

    Not all Wiccans do spells. Spells can be done at anytime of day. The best way to create a spell is to decide what it is you are trying to do, get your intent straight, think about why you are doing this spell, write what comes to your mind, think about what impact it will have on others, Think about why you are doing this spell, etc. The point is that you need to be very clear on what the purpose of the spell will be. You have to be very specific. You have to have your intent set. No, I'm not against spells at all. I just know that sometimes people don't think them all the way through. Not being specific can be a huge problem if you aren't careful.

  • 1 decade ago

    no on both counts,but i would suggest that you do a circle however,the circle is a away to keep the unwanted out or to contain them.evil can't pass the circle unless you invite them into by calling them.word of caution if you use the circle always remember to do a closing of the circle because it releases everything back to it's place.that way they are at peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. an altar is not necessary. Nor is a circle, but it will help give some control over the forces and elements you are working with.

    WHY if you were "raised from"(?) do you even need to ask?



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