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Red F asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago



We need to end all forein aid unless its to recognized charites red cross or others , this . we pay that pig Musharif in pakistan 10 billion a year in aid. same with Saudi arabia. WTF

Update 2:

I Agree with you Ritch

Update 3:

This last spending bill that passed was filled with 50 billion in forein aid, those pigs in the congress must be doing ok to throw our money away like that

13 Answers

  • KAR36
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. It comes from the poor, powerless, and easily manipulated with religious extremists.

  • I'm not sure what your question is, but I agree with your sentiment. We spend entirely too much on foreign aid, aid which oddly brings us no good will.

    I'm reminded by an example of human psychology I witnessed many years ago working with a charity. You'd think that those receiving the help would be grateful, but instead, many, if no most were resentful. I'm no psychologist, but this resentment seems to stem from their 'embarrassment' and a type of shame at needing the help. (You rarely hear a thank you in a soup kitchen.) Does this attitude apply to nations as well? Is our help actually creating enemies? I don't know, but one has to wonder.

    Besides, much like welfare, aid reduces the impetus for the individual/nation to improve their situation. Sometimes, I say sometimes, the most compassionate and constructive thing to do is NOT help and 'force' the person or nation to do for themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    There was terrorism before US foreign aid and there is terrorism in countries that don't receive foreign aid. Spain and the Basque seperatists. The IRA in Northern Ireland. Hamas. The Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. The KKK and other white seperatists.

    Whether US foreign aid is effective or whether it's merely pork is another question. But I think it's a stretch to suggest that it creates terrorism. Terrorism was a tactic long before the US started meddling in the affairs of other countries and even if we were to withdrawal all foreign aid, it would likely still be a tactic by people trying to intimidate and gain power.

  • HP
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    In this day and age, the majority would seem to. In the 40's there were Jewish terrorists that sought to expel Britain from Israel, In the 70's there were small groups of terrorists in Europe, "Carlos the Jackal" etc with varying objectives, there were the plane hijackings by middle eastern men in 70's ~80's. I would say that throughout recent time the vast majority does have links to U.S. aid with a few exceptions. The big picture would also have to include poverty, lack of a voice, and foreign occupation as further reasons for terrorism.

  • 1 decade ago

    No but a large proportion of it does and its not necessarily just dictatorships.

    If you really want the answer to this question I suggest you read "Terror Inc: Tracing the Money Behind Global Terrorism" by Loretta Napoleoni. It goes into detail about how terrorism is funded.

    EDIT: To all those that think that foreign aid is not essential to development please look up the Marshall Plan. Charity is not the only way forward but we can't preach the mantra of free trade to developing countries whilst subsidising our own failing industries. Our 'devleloped nations' had to start somewhere and it was not through free trade but protectionism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes but what you suggested is not the way to do it. Just slowly reduce the aid. If you stop sending aid or go against them, you'll have another 9 11 in your hands.

    Saddam had biological and chemical weapons - the ones the US gave him.

    Talibans negotiated directly with the US Vice-Pres and with some more of Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.'s friends - for a pipeline!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    thats why they hate US

    even Bin Laden said so in his writings, he despised the fact that the US and west continue to prop up these illegal governments, most of which either the US or Britian put in power illegally in the first place

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Timothy McVeigh was living during Clinton wasn't he?

  • 1 decade ago

    Who do you think supplied those terrorist with their weapons in the first place in 1980's? here's a hint US is the number 1 supplier of weapons in the world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Stupid people live in every country.

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