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Why do those who believe that "one is born gay", and "once gay always gay"?

It appears to me that scientific research and the Bible indicate otherwise.


Sorry for the bad grammar folks.

Update 2:

I do appreciate everyone taking the time to answer the Q to this very sensitive topic, albeit many are quite disrespectful in their doing so, unfortunately. (But that's OK by me, let it all out if your that PO'd!) But, I didn't want to know just your opinion, what good is that without references to back it (or them) up? (Thanks, Pangel and BlueFire for being the 2 exceptions so far.) I'll give mine in my next comment; I promise.

Update 3:

OK, concerning the sci research about causation: 1) From Simon LeVay, regarding his own brain study: "It's important to stress what I didn't find. I did not prove that homosdexuality is genetic or find a genetic cause for being gay...." DISCOVER Vol. 15, No.3, March 1994, pages 64-71.

2) Dean Hamer re: his own gene study: "These genes do not cause people to become homosexuals... ultimately, it is the environment that determines how these genes will express themselves." J. Madeleine Nash, "The Personality Genes," TIME, Vol. 151, No. 16, April 27th, 1998, pages 60-61. Hamer also said:

"Absolutely not. (About his study proving genetic causation) From twin studies, we already know that half or more of the variability in sexual orientation is not inherited." 3) Bailey & Pillard's 2 identical twin studies in the 90's. The last one had a concordance (when one became gay, the other did too) rate of approximately 25% of the cases. Btw, all these scientists are self-identified gay males!

Update 4:

2) Regarding change: Check out Robert L. Spitzer's study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No. 5, October 2003 He was a past president of the APA, and was actually the authority at the time to remove homosexuality from the DSM of the APA's in 1973! He said at the annual APA convention in 2001: "Like most psychiatrists I thought homosexual behavior could be resisted - but that noone could really change their sexual orientation. I now believe that's untrue - some people can and do change." Also, check out the latest study finding change to be a viable option. In book form, it's called "Ex-gay?: A Longitudinal Study" by Jones and Yarhouse (2007).

As for the Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:11, after mentioning homosexual behavior as one of a list of sinful behaviors in verse 9-10, says the following"...and such WERE some of you." If one can experience transformation in their sexuality by faith in Jesus Christ, that must mean that homosexualty couldn't possibly be innate, correct?

Update 5:

And, it is widely true that gays don't choose their propensities, anymore than "straights"; however, neither do alcoholics. Many people believe that this is the reason why "gays" are born that way; which is a non-sequitor in logic. Certainly, childhood environmental factors are not chosen. And what occurs via environment influences, can be changed by choice with the same. It is why researchers who specialize in these areas of study have found that there are predispositonal factors to human sexual propensities and alcoholism, not predetermined.

Update 6:

Please back up your views with references and/or research. If you don't, why even bother?

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No one is born gay. It is a choice.

    Because it is a choice, you can choose to be gay, then choose to be straight.

    When I was in adolescence, I chose to be straight.

    If you are "born gay" and are faithful to your partner for life, you are biologically ineligible to have children, because a same sex union cannot reproduce.

    If it is impossible to reproduce from same sex unions, then homosexuals should be extinct by now...if it is indeed genetic.

    Genetic? Nope.

    Choice? Absolu-frickin-lutely.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that ''science'' is the group that determined that homosexuality is a predetermined sexual orientation .And the bible has little or nothing to say,about science.

    I could have been born a homosexual, just as easily as I was born a heterosexual!

    It really doesn't matter what the religious say on this subject! IT DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACTS!!!

    And their 'holier than thou'' attitude'' is very annoying, not to mention irritating!



    Grow up please! I have known many men who grew up with sisters, and no brothers!

    All THEY learned, was to be considerate of women, on a deeper level, than other men, and trust me, their wives LOVE it!

    Don't be so judgmental about something you know nothing about!

    Source(s): nonjudgmental about orientation
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, there is no scientific evidence at all whatsoever that says that people can choose to be gay. In reality, 15% of all animals that are not androgynous are in some way naturally attracted to members of the same sex. Even if that were not true, choosing to be gay would make no sense. Nobody "wants" to be gay. It would only set themselves up for a miserable life. They cannot marry, are discriminated against constantly (many organizations, like Boy Scouts, do not allow homosexuals to join), and are the most hated group in the U.S. after atheists. And where do you find the Bible indicating that homosexuals choose to be so? It never says that anywhere. Besides, nothing in the Bible can be used as "evidence." Courts used to use the Bible as evidence that women who were raped could not become pregnant. Do you believe that?

  • 5 years ago

    They do not fully grasp the human middle. Technically they're proper...however we might additionally say that we're all born liars, theives, murderers, adulteres, lusters, idoltars...something that breaks the Ten Commandments. In Jer. 17:nine we learn that the human middle is depraved. Choosing to be homosexual is the effect of a depraved middle. Only God can difference the center when we repent. (PS. fifty one)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Scientific research says that one is born gay. The Bible doesn't comment on sexual orientation other than to say that it's evil to be gay. Frankly, I don't put much stock in the Bible. It was a book written by men a long time ago. Those men wrote on behalf of cultural bias and not with scientific knowledge.

    Science tells us that orientation cannot be changed. We are born with it. Also, any reliable source will tell you that ex gay programs don't work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are NOT born gay. If a guy is raised in a family with NO dad and he has like 5 sisters always dressing him up and putting make up on him, he's gonna be gay for sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, nature seems to support the born gay thing. There are gay animals, are you claiming they choose it? All the evidence I've seen points to a genetic cause; some people are simply born gay.

    As always, it's a choice in the same way anything is a choice with humans. You could choose to have sex with a sheep, but I'm sure you wouldn't like it... but if your god demanded it, and you thought it was worth following, you could keep doing it. You might never learn to like it, and it wouldn't be what you wanted, but people are capable of choosing.

    Or do you think you'd be converted to a sheepsexual by choice?

  • Porch
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    In my own research, talking to people who are gay, I've found that they didn't choose it and that either were born gay or they just went that way at a later age. I would like to read your evidence. Where is it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since when did the bible become an authoritative source for medical and psychological diagnosis? Research DOES indicate some degree of heredity in homosexuality. See gene XQ28.

  • Moo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When did scientific research support this? Some fake firm that is sponsored by religious organizations, like places that try to prove birth control is useless?

    Sociology and psychology is against the gay myths that fundies use.

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