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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 decade ago

How can I tell if somebody likes me?

I can't tell if this guy who's 2 years younger than me likes me, and if he does, in what kind of way. I've been trying to interpret from how he's been acting around me, ,and things he's done tome in the past, but I can't draw a conclusion safely enough without being biased. Tell me first: what are the subtle (or not so subtle) clues that somebody likes you??

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know how many times I have copied and pasted this list on this website! You should really search previous questions as they will hold similar answers. People will only get tired of answering the same questions over and over.

    The only way you can truly know if a person likes you is to ask them. By asking, you can be sure the answer is sincere as it came directly from him/her (unless they lie...). If you don't think you can manage that, here are some tell-tale signs:

    (change the he's to she's and whatnot - you'll see

    what I mean):

    - Allows you into his "personal space"

    - Always backs you up - supportive

    - Apologizes a lot

    - Asks both his and your friends about you

    - Behaviour generally changes (gets louder or goes quiet when you're around)

    - Blinks more than usual in conversation with you

    - Calls for random reasons (homework, etc.)

    - Compliments you (tells you you smell nice, look nice etc.)

    - Doesn't talk / ask for things at all, but will with everyone else (shy)

    - Eyebrows raise when they see you (even for a quick second)

    - Eyes get "soft" when he looks at you (become "intimate")

    - Eyes travel in a circle around your face when he talks to you

    - Facial expression changes when he sees you / you're around

    - Feet and/or upper body point in your direction

    - Frequently touches his face

    - Friends aren't really his top priority

    - Friends know you, but you don't know them

    - Friends pay attention to you after he's been staring

    - Friends start talking to you / asking you questions (about him usually)

    - Gazes into your eyes with deep interest

    - Gives you a nickname

    - Gives you his undivided attention

    - Hangs around you a lot

    - He blushes and/or sweats around you

    - He licks his lips (wants to kiss you)

    - He will find reasons to talk to you

    - Holds his thumbs in his belt loops (cowboy stance)

    - If you flirt with him, he flirts back

    - If you are in a bad mood, he will try to make you feel better

    - Initiates dates

    - Is there for you when you're down

    - Laughs at your jokes / unfunny things you say

    - Listens to you and remembers what you say

    - Looks at you when he's talking to other people

    - Makes future plans with you (movies on Friday, etc.)

    - May act weird around you / seem nervous

    - May get the "feeling" he's watching, but can never catch him at it

    - May poke you, play with your hair, etc.

    - May seem jealous when you look at / talk about other guys

    - Mirrors you

    - Mouth opens a little when he sees / talks to you

    - Nice to your friends (maybe extra nice)

    - Plays footsie

    - Preens (straightens tie, runs fingers through hair etc.)

    - Pupils dilate

    - Reacts positively to flirting

    - Remembers your name / talking to you etc.

    - Remembers little quirks about you that others would easily forget

    - Respects you

    - Says dumb things just to keep you talking

    - Says, "hi," to you a lot

    - Seems sad when you ignore him

    - Sits / stands in the "open" position (facing you and arms/legs uncrossed)

    - Sits up straight and muscles appear firm

    - Smiles back when you smile at him (esp. wide)

    - Stares a lot (esp. right into your eyes) and holds the stare for longer than usual

    - Stutters/mumbles when he speaks to you

    - Talks to your friends

    - Talks / asks for things (outgoing)

    - Teases you a lot (calls you names, etc.)

    - Touches you (rubs up against you and the like) "accidentally"

    - Tries to hold your hand / touch you "accidentally"

    - Voice changes when he talks to you (gets softer)

    - Watches your lips (dead giveaway)

    - Will act foolish (to get your attention)

    - Will do small favours for you

    - Will focus on you in a group

    - Will hang on your every word / seems to

    - Will help you whenever he can

    - Will sometimes choose you over his friends

    - Will try and hug you whenever he can (when you're mad, sad, etc.)

    - Will try to make you laugh (even if it involves him getting hurt)

    - Will stare until you catch him (shy)

    - Winks at you

    - You bump into him a lot of places

  • 5 years ago

    Body language. Its tough to give an explanation for. How they exhibit curiosity and look interested. I agree approximately a grin, however they could simply being great and pronouncing "HI". But, I believe humans speak plenty with there frame whilst they're interested in any person that appeals to them. Like whilst your sitting there an observe this great watching character! What does your frame do? what does there frame do once they observe you?! Read among the traces. Do they preserve watching in need of awareness watching your approach? ( or walks via for a better approce so your in a position to peer the kit nearer "in need of you to peer them up near") Or do they appear away and now not in need of to observe you? I cannot particularly provide an explanation for it like this. Hope that is helping ?? Good good fortune

  • 1 decade ago

    A major clue is if you seem to be catching this person looking at you when they should be focused on something/somebody else. Ex. In a group conversation, everybody usually looks at the person who is speaking, but is he looking at you instead?

  • 1 decade ago

    if the guy looks at you a lot or pays a lot of attention to you^^

  • 1 decade ago

    looks at u alot, he is touchy all the time, says u r hot,

  • 1 decade ago

    Just ask him how he feels about you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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