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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Do you dislike staying overnight at other people's houses?

I mean, I really dislike it. I never really feel comfortable... and I find it difficult to sleep.... and the bathroom is not my own.... and I feel like there is no privacy...

I'm scheduled for a two night overnight stay from tomorrow night and I've just learnt that two other couples and their kids are staying overnight too... I sort of want to cancel. Gordon Bennet.. there will be 14 people there in the one house for two nights.... I really feel like staying home... it's worse than "camping".


I'm suposta go there with my wife... 4 adult couples in total.. man they are not even swingers.

Update 2:

Thanks everyone for your support. It's comforting to know I am not the only one who has a problem like this!

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you (((Icy))) I can't stand staying overnight (whether it is family or friends home) I just can't stand it and prefer not to.

    The lack of privacy (especially when you want to enjoy your man) not being able to just lounge in your nightgown or walk around wearing just a robe.

    No knowing if the restroom is clean enough, the bed and sheets...oh the list goes on and on.

    There is just no place like home. Stay home Gazzie its bad enough to have to deal with all the other stuff that comes with not being in your comfort zone let alone to deal with more people which in turn spells more drama.

    Or take a flight out to California and visit me, (((Jack))) and (((Darth))) and all the rest of us Californians :) I'll rent you a nice room at a five star hotel since you staying at my house might be a little too much for me ;)

  • Does it help you if you consider that it's only for two nights, that your discomfort, however much and however real it is, will be finite?

    That's how I get through things, remembering that it will end and once I'm home again the discomfort will be over and won't matter anymore. If you can do that, then hopefully you'll come out of it with more good memories than bad.

    (And the answerer above is right -- the more people, the less pressure. I used to live with 7 other adults and it was way easier than sharing with just one. You won't get your own bathroom, but more people means you can sneak off for some down time. It might be a good time to develop your taste for the great outdoors. (Kids are great excuses to get out.)

    Whatever you choose to do, do it fully. Even partial regrets can make the best of circumstances unpleasant.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hate it with a passion. In fact, I simply refuse to stay overnight at anyone elses house now. I get distressed just at the thought of it! What was once enjoyable as a kid has now become one of the most uncomfortable disruptive things I would be forced to do as an adult. Other peoples beds are never comfortable so you get sleep deprived and you feel like you have to be on best behaviour constantly. You cant just get up and wander into the kitchen to make yourself a snack without feeling rude. Oh and I just cant use other peoples toilets, its just wrong for certain bodily functions, lol.

    I really feel for you, cant you make up a last minute excuse? There, I've just set your next Yahoo Question for you!

  • 5 years ago

    I THINK that either you have to agree to parental responsibility or he has to prove he is the bio father with D.N.A...but don't take my word for it! The courts should act in the best interest of the child, so I doubt that access would be granted for overnight stays until he has built a relationship with him. Make sure that you make the court aware of his fathers unreliability and back it up with evidence if you can. If you can get some legal advice! If he does go to court, then things could get a bit messy. If it does, please remember that this is your child's father, and you child deserves to have the chance to get to know his dad. He has obviously shown you that he is a waste of space. If he is that bad, your son will eventually see that too - you just have to be there for your son when he does. If your ex has turned over a new leaf and has evolved in to a decent guy then he deserves the chance to get to kn ow his boy. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    With people I don't know very well or only know on a very casual basis yes I do dislike staying in their homes. Fourteen people in a house would definitely make me uncomfy - I'm the sort that likes more privacy and I'm not used to what I'd call a big family sort of environment.

    The only time I am really comfortable in others is my best friends and my cousins who I stay with a lot when I travel to other states.

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I hate it with a passion.

    Last time I ended up in tears lol. It was the night of my 21st and we were supposed to sleeping some friends place. On the sheets...nothing. The couch was covered in cat hair, which I'm seriously allergic to if I have to put up with it for more than a few face puffed up like a crazy. (And the damn fleas!!!) So we snuck out and drove home.

    I like my own goddamn own bathroom. It's just so...foreign sleeping in someone else's place. I usually stare at the ceiling and wait for the sun to come up so I can get up and leave. I just can't relax.

    Oddly enough...I sleep fine in motels etc just not other peoples houses.

    Is there any way you can wuss out without offending them? No point in wasting two nights of the holidays stuck some where you don't want to be...

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right on about the privacy issue, I can't stand staying at someone else's house. It always feels like I'm walking on egg shells just trying to be a "good" guest. I always feel like I'm being rude when I ask for a snack, especially if they made dinner. I would much rather stay at a hotel, at least then I feel like I can just do my own thing (go to bed when I want, eat when I want, not feel like I'm tying up the restroom, things like that).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've done that VERY few times in my life. I hate it also! Generally I would insist on a motel nearby and pay for that. The worst of it IS not having my own bathroom; and of course it would be rude to wake everyone in the middle of the night to check Yahoo Q&A as I am able at my own place!!

  • :)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    actually I feel the more people, the less pressure on you- I hate staying at other's homes except very close friends but if a bunch of people are there, I'm more at ease- Don't cancel- Enjoy the time you have together and deal with the discomfort- It's only 2 nights...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i thought i was the only one, i hate to stay overnight anywhere, i need my own bed, and bathroom facilities, (hate using other peoples bathrooms) and like you said the lack of privacy is awful, you have to think about everything you do, nothing anti-social. take my advice,cancel. i did the past holidays, i was the only one of an extended family not to stay overnight at my in-laws house, i got called rotten for it, but i was there in spirit, my corporeal self was comfy at home lol.

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