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I Just Started Crying Right Now Because Of My Depression!!!!!!!!!?

I just started crying in front of the computer because of my depression! I hate it! I just have it because my ex-boyfriend broke up with me for someone else, my friends has stopped being there for me, and my new boyfriend is not even here to cheer me up and hasn't been back from vacation yet! I just have been depressed for 2 months and I can't control it anymore! It's going stronger and stronger and I can't stop it! Please help me cheer up and What should I do to make my depression go away and stop crying? I'm crying right now while I was typing this! Thanks so much for answering this question and I will check on this later! =(

-ConfusedGirlForever *(Diane N)*


it's not even a joke! I'm serious here! if you don't believe me, click on this link and see what it says!;_ylt=AlMqe...

17 Answers

  • Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i'm so so so sorry!

    that is horrible that your ex bf broke up

    with you for someone else!.. i would be sad too.. :(

    but he's not good enough 4 you if he choose someone else..

    someday.. he will realize the mistake he did ! and he will

    regret it ( they always do! ) and you will be in love with an

    awesome guy who loves you just as much.. and would never

    leave you 4 anyone! he would never hurt you in anyway!

    & that's the kind of guy you want! someone who cares

    for you so much, and loves you so much.. that he would do

    anything 4 you.. and never hurt you ( on purpose ) ..

    we will all find that guy.. it just takes time! i haven't

    found that guy yet.. but that doesn't mean he's not out there!

    and the same goes 4 you! you dont really want a guy

    who left you for someone else do you? i know i wouldn't!

    so plz cheer up! everything will be okay :)

    yes.. i know it's tuff.. but us girls got to stand together..

    we cant let guys walk all over us! so please enjoy life..

    and stand strong :)

    ~Bella Swan <3333

  • 1 decade ago

    If it is any help, we all go through this at one time or another. I was thinking about it today and the longer I live the more I believe that we all create this private little hell for ourselves. We convince ourselves that no one cares and that no one is there for us. And we each sit around quietly believeing this while we are really just lonely and longing to connect with one another. We lose sight of the fact that there are people who do truly care about us.

    Please don't believe that your friends don't care. They do. Sometimes we just don't let ourselves see that our friends care. You deserve to be happy. I'm sure you have a friend who always make you laugh. Call them up and have a good laugh together.

    Depression is no fun. I know. I battle with it, myself. Don't let it get the best of you. Is it wintertime where you are? These shorter days will take a toll on your mood. Try to get out and get some sunshine. Feel better! Hugs and Happy New Year.

  • kayat
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    fairly than merely concentration on the be conscious melancholy, be sure precisely what's stressing you plenty which you cry on the tip of daily. i could say that something in college is overwhelming you and you in easy terms post a brave face in college, yet you're able to desire to settle on some issues. First think of roughly why you're under pressure and then write down some achievable concepts. Then settle on which answer could be suitable and choose for it. God bless you.

  • 1 decade ago


    STOP IT! stop the madness and move-play-watch a sitcom.

    UR new bf won't cheer u up-plz tell me u don't talk to him about the X.

    NO ONE can cheer you up REALLY-u have to find that within YOU!

    Your friends may be washed up by this-I'm sure they listened-for a while-and supported you-yet sometimes friends can't 'HELP'-because YOU said u have a new BF, so YOU have not buried the last BF.

    FIND YOU- KNOW every quality about YOU.

    DO something you enjoy- AND MAKE UR SELF DO-IT!

    eventually you will find inner peace with this-it will HURT and be hard to do, but keep moving forward for YOU!

    Source(s): MY BF DIED - 1994 to this day I continue to move-dance-and appreciate the past I had with HIM! I have continued to move forward! ALWAYS - for NO-ONE else but ME! ;) ;)
  • Elaine
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hey, if it's possible, get up and do something. Take a walk, go for a cup of coffee, call a friend, watch a movie. When you feel like this the best thing is to be active. You may not like the idea, but you'll feel much better afterwards!

    About your ex, you obviously don't deserve such a guy. You may feel hurt now, but in the long run you'll get over him. There are many nice guys out there and I'm sure you'll meet the right one eventually. Please don't despair.

    Have you fallen out with your friends? If not, maybe they just don't realize they're leaving you out (it has happened to me). Why don't you call them and suggest doing something together?

    Best wishes.

  • Don't worry, just remember this:

    ** And then a hero comes along

    with a strength to carry on

    and you cast your fears aside

    and you know you can survive

    so when you feel like hope is gone

    look inside you and be strong

    and you'll finally see the truth

    that a hero lies in you

    Just be strong and believe, all the things that happened to you will return something good.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    this is a joke

  • 1 decade ago

    I suffer from depression, too. Try talking to someone you trust (make sure you know them well enough and feel comfortable with them), tell your new boyfriend aboot it, and find some ways to express those feelings (poetry, blogging, listening to music, I'd recommend Foo Figthers or Nirvana, etc..).

    Also, if you don't have any problems with it, find a counsellor who you can talk to (isn't working so well with me, but I'm sure it can help you), and if prescribed, maybe some anti-depressants (not joking, I've heard it's helpful). Good luck, I hope it gets a lot better for you @};----------

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    uhmm go to a therapist honey. get some PROFESSIONAL HELP.

    Source(s): my friend in arizona.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can read my question;_ylt=AjfYs...

    Diane, I can definately understand. Hang in there girl. At least you have a bf you can talk to. I know it feels horrible right now but, things could always be worse.

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