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Can a rocket go faster than the speed of its exhaust?

I've bumped into a few people over the years who are absolutely convinced that the maximum speed a rocket can achieve is equal to the speed of its exhaust gases.

Where do you suppose this misconception comes form?


This isn't a question about relativistic effects. A rocket can indeed go faster than the speed of its own exhaust.

It is true that toward the end of its engine firing the exhaust will actually be moving in the same direction as the rocket from the point of view of an observer on the launch pad, but that's OK. The rocket's final momentum and the total momentum of all the exhaust will be exactly opposite.

Update 2:

Now I'm getting confused about folks talking about Newton's 3rd law being violated. I don't see any problem there -- what problem do you see with it? Maybe this is why people think the rocket can't go faster than it's exhaust, and I'm totally missing the point.

Part of the challenge is that a real rocket eventually burns up all the fuel it carries, and that puts a limit on its maximum speed. It can still be more than the exhaust speed, though.

Update 3:

Larry454 --

I wasn't thinking that performance in air was any different than performance in a vacuum. And I don't even think that the folks who argued that the exhaust velocity was the speed limit really were having a problem with that either.

Maybe they were and I still don't quite get why. I'll ask this question again occasionally and see if I can get more ideas on this.

6 Answers

  • Brant
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, hey, you know what? This question might be more interesting than it looks. The most obvious answer would be no, it can't go faster than its exhaust. BUT, it's not just the velocity, but the acceleration which becomes the important factor here.

    Suppose the exhaust is clocked at 1 km/sec. The ship will get up to that speed, but what then? The speed of the exhaust is relative to the space ship and the ship is accelerating. According to relativity, it would be like starting from zero again. So the fuel may have a certain velocity, but applied over time results in an acceleration which is theoretically unlimited.

    In practice, it would be limited, again because of relativity. As you reach relativistic speeds, the amount of energy required increases exponentially and the amount of acceleration possible eventually reaches zero as you approach the speed of light.

    Wow, as fundamental as that seems, I never considered it! Thanks.

    Steve, it does involve relativity in two respects. First, because the velocity of the exhaust is relative to the space ship, not to some fixed starting point. Second, at the theoretical extreme, where it must be conceded that the speed of light couldn't be reached. IOW, the ability to continue accelerating is not really unlimited.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I talk to schools about how rocket and jet engines work, I compare it to a man standing on a cart with 4 wheels, like a small railroad handcar. He throws a bowling ball off the back of the cart, and the cart moves forward slightly. He continues to throw bowling balls off the back, and the cart continues to accelerate. The bowling balls are not pushing against anything, and it does not matter how fast they are moving with respect to the ground. What matters is that they are transferring momentum to the cart when they are tossed off the back.

    A rocket has a limited supply of bowling balls, but the ones it has are "big ones." A jet engine can keep pushing bowling balls out the back as long as it can keep pulling air in the front and mixing it with fuel.

    ADDED: Steve,

    You were correct to start with. The velocity of the exhaust relative to the velocity of the vehicle through the air - or the lack of air - makes no difference whatsoever. The thing that matters is the momentum of the exhaust vs the momentum of the vehicle in the vehicle reference frame. The exhaust does not "push against" anything (ADDED: at least nothing behind the vehicle), but that is probably the original misconception .

    ADDED(2) I don't think I made this clear. A rocket free of gravity will accelerate in accordance with delta mv (exhaust) = -delta mv (vehicle). The initial velocity really doesn't matter, and might be difficult to specify anyway, depending on how far you are from a planet that you can refer to. The point is, that's how the rocket works in the atmosphere as well. The exhaust does not care how fast the air is whizzing past, it only cares that it is being blown aft from the nozzle, creating a huge momentum transfer to the vehicle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Brant nailed this one!

    What is this, quiz night for the regulars here in Astronomy & Space? If so, then I like it!

    Just to throw my own two cents into the discussion:

    All a rocket engine is doing is taking momentum from the rocket, and giving it to the propellant in a way that removes the propellant from the system. So if the rocket is going at 500k km/sec, and the exhaust velocity is 100km/sec, at the end, you'll have exhaust particles going at 499,900km/sec, and a rocket going just a little faster in an amount equal in momentum to the loss in momentum of the exhaust particles.

    As long as momentum is conserved, Newton's not going to get you for violating law #3.

    (Meaning that you are still obeying it, so he can't get you on that)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends on the mass of the reaction mass. If I throw a 100-ton steel ball in space, I will actually be throwing myself instead, and much faster than the steel ball. Rocket exhaust typically goes faster than the rocket, however, since high-speed but low-mass reaction mass is preferable. That's because high-mass reaction masses can't leave a gravitational field very well, nor does it allow for easy course corrections.

  • 5 years ago

    A little bit Plus acceration"

  • 1 decade ago

    Uhm, probably from newton's third law.

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