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Lv 7
Jss asked in Business & FinanceTaxesUnited States · 1 decade ago

Can I have direct deposit on my amended tax return 1040X?

I filed 2007 return and paid tax by check with the return.

Now I am filing 1040X. I have a refund. Where do I enter my bank account information for direct deposit?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. There is no place on the form to designate a place for direct deposit.

  • 1 decade ago

    A refund from a 1040X will only be mailed to you, you can't direct deposit.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    possibly YOU did no longer staple all of it jointly however the gadget that opened your envelope did! as quickly because it is going to a human, they could perhaps no longer word that there have been dissimilar returns interior a similar envelope. Or they could forget approximately appropriate to the amended returns and toss them. Be arranged to mail off the amended returns back. Wait 12 weeks and phone the IRS and notice in the event that they have them interior the equipment. in the event that they do no longer, deliver them back in SEPARATE envelopes yet mark them "replica" on the excellent white area merely in case the originals take place.

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