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Bukhari believes Imam Ali burnt people alive?

Is this a fabrication?

Sahih Bukhari- Volume 9, Book 84, Number 57:

Narrated 'Ikrima:

Some Zanadiqa (atheists) were brought to 'Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn 'Abbas who said, "If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah's Apostle forbade it, saying, 'Do not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire).' I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah's Apostle, 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'"


Eve- What you say makes sense. Do you follow hadiths or only the quran?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I THINK IT IS A PRIVATE bukhari from anti Muslims

  • Eve
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Quran, the complete, the perfect and the fully detailed word of God has NEVER said to kill the apostates or those they leave Islam.

    This is enough to me to think that it is fabricated tale. Prophet Muhammed and his companions would never make up other rules rather than Quran.

    All this stuff that Islam is being bashed for is what Bukhari said not what God commands.

    Edit: I would never follow anything that doesn't make sense to me. Hadiths books have many corrupted things those completely contradict Quran commandments. Yes, there are other good hadiths (of wisdom) and I really love them. But, I refer to Quran ONLY as a source of religion commandments.

    Thanks for asking.

    ALI ~X: I am not sure that I get what you exactly mean. Anyways, if you mean that Quran advocates violence, then I say that this is a big misconception and that was caused by the poor understanding of Quran. And it is worth to mention that this misinterpretation which some Muslim scholars have adopted was somehow influenced by the corrupted Hadiths.

    Hope this helps.


  • 4 years ago

    Burnt Alive Book

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The religion of Islam made it illegal to burn anyone alive as a punishment. This hadith is fabricated. This hadith is commonly spread but it is not true.

  • 1 decade ago

    No that hadith was because they put imam Ali equal to God not because they were atheists as in the translation.

    I can't believe that happened . Imam Ali was so righteous he wouldn't do that.

  • If that hadith is strong then it's right who is ali(ra) ???

    he is a good Muslim like and normal human just like the other Sahaba's and all of them made few mistakes they are not infallible !!

    again i don't know if this Hadith is strong or weak and i have software unfortunately i lost it due formating my pc the software was for Ulama al Hadith like Al albany so you put the Hadith and you see who is Narrated it and by by by by by since the first one hear it and they told you if it's weak narrated or fabricated or strong

    i got your point of you all questions lol you are just another RAFIDI = SHIA' Hadith rejecter but the funny thing you reject the Hadiths of the prophet and follow a fake saying by the Imams !! isn't that funny and stupid ?

  • 1 decade ago

    One burnt them and the other wanted to kill them by the sword! Holy crap!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    all hadiths are fabricated,now hadith followers would say its a daeef haditha nd not sahi !!

    they would hide behind ,classification of hadith

  • 1 decade ago

    get a bloody life

  • 1 decade ago

    The objective of Bukhari and Muslim was to collect hadith; not to consider their authenticity. Some of your research scholars, like Kamalu'd-Din Ja'far Bin Sa'lih have taken great pains in pointing out the defects and faults of the hadith and have set forth valid grounds in support of their findings.

    this hadith is a fabricated hadith against Imam Ali (as),lets consider some of the hadiths that have been recorded by bukhari that prove that he has recorded a lot of garbage and fabricated hadiths If you wish to study misleading hadith regarding the incarnation of Allah, which contend that He, as a physical being, can be seen in this world, or will be seen in the Hereafter, (as believed by a faction of the Sunnis, i.e., the Hanbalites and Asharites), you may refer to your own books, particularly Sahih Bukhari (Vol. I, in the Chapter "Fazla's-Sujud Min Kitabu'l-Adhan," page 100; Vol. IV, p.92 of Sahih Muslim, "Babu's-Sira Min Kitabu'r-Riqaq,"and also Sahih Muslim (Vol. I, in the Chapter "Isbatu'l-Ruyatu'l-Mu'minin Rabbahum Fi'l-Akhira," page 86); and Musnad of Imam Hanbal, Volume II, page 275. You will find sufficient information of this type in those books. For example, Abu Huraira says: "The clamor and violent rage of Hell will intensify, it will not calm down until Allah puts His leg in it. Then Hell will say, 'Stop, stop! It is enough for me; it is enough for me.'" Abu Huraira also narrates that a group of people asked the holy Prophet, "Shall we see our Creator on the Day of Judgement?" He replied, "Of course. At mid-day when the sky is free of clouds, does the Sun hurt you, if you look at it?" They said: "No!" Again he said: "During the nights when you see the full moon when the sky is clear, does it hurt you?" They said: "No!" He continued: "So when you see Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgement, you will not be hurt, just as you are not hurt by seeing these (the sun and the moon). When the Day of Judgement comes, it will be announced by Allah that every community should follow it's god. So everyone who has worshiped idols or anything other than Allah, The One, shall be thrust into Hell fire. So shall everyone of the good and bad persons be thrown into it except those who worshipped Allah, the Absolute One. They shall lie in Hellfire. At that time Allah will appear in a particular form before the people so that they can see Him. Then Allah will tell them that He is their Allah. The believers will then say, 'We take refuge in Your Godhead. We are not among those who have worshiped anything except Allah the Absolute.' Allah will say in reply, 'Have you any sign between you and Allah so that you may see Him and identify Him?' They will say, 'Yes.' Then Allah will show them His bare leg. Thereupon the believers will raise their heads upwards and will see Him in the same condition as they saw Him for the first time. Then Allah will say that He is their Creator. All of them will acknowledge that He is their Allah."

    Now it is for you to judge whether this kind of statement is tantamount to infidelity or not, that Allah would physically appear before the people and would uncover His leg! And the strongest point in support of my argument is that Muslim Bin Hajjaj begins a Chapter in his Sahih about the proof of the visibility of Almighty Allah, and has quoted the fabricated reports from Abu Huraira, Zaid Bin Aslam, Suwaid Bin Sa'id, and others. And some of the leading ulema of your own sect like Dhahabi in Mizanu'l-I'tidal and Suyuti in his Kitabu'l-Lu'ualia'l-Masnu'a fi hadithu'l-Muzu'a, and Sibt Ibn Jauzi in Al-Muzu'a, have proved on reasonable grounds that these narrations are fabricated.



    Even if there had been no proof against the above assertions, the verse of the Holy Qur'an explicitly rejects the doctrine of the visibility of Allah. Allah says: "Vision comprehends Him not, and He comprehends (all) vision_." (6:103)

    Again, when the Prophet Moses was compelled by the Israelites to go to his place of prayer and beseech Allah to "show Himself to him," the Holy Qur'an records the event as follows: " He (Moses) said: 'My Lord! Show me (Thyself), so that I may look upon Thee.' He said: 'You cannot (bear to) see me...'" (7:143)

    Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari, contain hadith narrated by liars. If you study Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari in the light of the books of Rijal, you will find that they have recorded many hadith reported from men who were great liars, e.g., Abu Huraira, the notorious liar, Ikrima Kharji, Sulayman Bin Amr, and others of the same category. Bukhari was not so cautious in recording hadith as you think. He did not record the Hadith-e-Thaqalain, which others have done, but he had no hesitation in recording ludicrous and insulting stories about the Prophet Moses slapping the face of the Angel of Death, the Prophet Moses' running away naked after a stone, and Allah's visibility. Consider another ridiculous and insulting story recorded by Bukhari in his Sahih, Volume II, Chapter ""Al-Lahr Bi'l-Harb," page 120, and by Muslim in his Sahih Volume I, quoting Abu Huraira as saying that on the Eid (a holiday) some Sudanese nomads gathered in the Mosque of the Prophet. They entertained spectators with their sport and performances. The Prophet asked A'yesha if she would like to witness the performances. She said she would. The Prophet let her mount on his back in such a way that she had her head over his shoulders and her face on the head of the Prophet. In order to amuse A'yesha, the Holy Prophet was asking the entertainers to stage a better dance. At last A'yesha became tired, and the holy Prophet let her get down on the ground! Judge for yourself whether such a story is not insulting. If Bukhari was so cautious about recording facts, was it fair on his part to record such foolish stories in his Sahih. But even now you characterize these books as the most authentic ones after the Holy Qur'an. Of course Bukhari took special care to omit the matter of the Imamate and the Vicegerency of Ali, as well as the matter of the Ahle Bait. Probably he feared such information might some day be used as a weapon against the opponents of the Ahle Bait.

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