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Is it bad to follow fabricated hadiths that don't conflict with quran?

Following a fabricated hadith going against quran is bad. Sometimes the only way to know it's fabricated seems to be because it goes against the quran, even though it's still 100% sunnah practice.

But what if it's a fabricated hadith with nothing to do with the quran (eg. eating dates always in threes?). Does a person get more rewards for going to extra effort of following it even if it's probably fabricated?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    those who follow hadith always reject Glorious Quran .

    Prophet Muhammed was not given any miracale,but hadith followers insist He was given shuq ul qamar. Rejection of Quran.

    is hadith books a scripture ???

    hadith books stats Ayesha was 6 yrs when she was married to Prophet,but Glorious Quran says other wise ,,again Rejection of Glorious Quran.

    Kalimah or Shahadah is different in Glorious Quran ..BUT ,shias and sunnis have different Shahadah,again rejectction of Quran

    these are few examples there are many glaring examples that hadith followers Reject Quran.just like iblees rejected Allah's command despite knowing in Allah Allmighty and Day of Judgement,similarly these hadith followers,reject Allahs Commands (Quran) over hadith !!!

    [20:124] "As for the one who disregards My message, he will have a miserable life, and we resurrect him, on the Day of Resurrection, blind."

    [20:125] He will say, "My Lord, why did you summon me blind, when I used to be a seer?"

    [38:83] "Except Your worshipers who are devoted absolutely to You alone."

    even iblees THE REJECTED said in above ayah .ALLAH ALONE.

    Source(s): wadu another example,recitation when doing salat the tone should be neither loud nor whisper,is another example sunnis and shias reject what is Commanded by Allah You shall not be too loud during your Contact Prayers, nor shall you say them secretly; you shall maintain an intermediate tone [17:110]. timing of salat (1) The Dawn Contact Prayer is mentioned by name in 24:58. Before sunrise. (2) The Noon Contact Prayer is specified in 17:78. When the sun declines. (3) The Afternoon Contact Prayer is in 2:238. Midway between noon & sunset. (4) The Sunset Contact Prayer is mentioned in 11:114. Immediately after sunset. (5) The Night Contact Prayer is in 11:114, and is mentioned by name in 24:58. hadith followers say salat timing is not in Quran,rejecting verses 6-112-114.and doubting Quran that it is complete,detailed,and perfect. [2:186] When My servants ask you about Me, I am always near. I answer their prayers when they pray to Me. The people shall respond to Me and believe in Me, in order to be guided hadith followers say,ya ali,ya muhammed,just like christians implore jesus. [2:183] O you who believe, fasting is decreed for you, as it was decreed for those before you, that you may attain salvation. [2:184] Specific days (are designated for fasting); if one is ill or traveling, an equal number of other days may be substituted. Those who can fast, but with great difficulty, may substitute feeding one poor person for each day of breaking the fast. If one volunteers (more righteous works), it is better. But fasting is the best for you, if you only knew. [2:185] Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation. God Answers the Prayers of "His Servants" the Author of Quran Is Allah,Transmitted by Powerful Angel Jibraeel (angels dont make mistkes ) insipired to Honourable Prophet Muhammed. do the transmitters of hadith match the qualities of Jibraeel ? did Prophet Muhammed deviate from Quran,? as per hadith did Prophet do salat differently at different times,or did wadu against what is stated in Quran ?
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Fabricated Hadiths

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

    CONVEY (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single Ayah; and tell others the stories of Banu Israel (which have been taught to you) for it is not sinful to do so. And whoever tells a lie on me intentionally, will surely take his place in the Fire (of Hell). (Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume 4: Book 56: Hadith 667).

    if we knew that this hadith is fabricated , then we should not mention it as a "hadith" , then we will be helping spreading false hadith and lieing about the prophet peace be upon him.

    if its nothing against the holy Quran and the sunah , like good advice or something like that , then we can act upon it but without saying it as hadeth.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem is following it sometimes is like believing in superstitions . You may not be rewarded for that if one thinks he will . You'll just keep your mind busy of following something which doesn't make any difference if you do it or not .

    I have no problem of hadiths which talk about moralities , specially if it emphasizes on the same moralities which are in the Quran .

    But I can't go with hadiths which say if I recite this sura 3 or 10 times I'll be rewarded . Is the purpose of the Quran to repeat it like a parrot or to understand it and follow it ?

    I wouldn't go for eating odd numbers of dates also because I can't see any logic in it , even if prophet Muhamed did that , why should I follow that ?! what would I gain in my religion if I ate it in odd numbers?! Is that what was prophet Muhamed sent for ?!! Will God be angry if I didn't do it ? Why would God be pleased if I ate odd numbers of dates ?!!!

  • yes it's bad top follow the fabricated Hadith so since it's fabricated then it'n not the prophet saying

    but to follow Hadith it's so important because it's the way of Islam and our prophet it's to explain every thing thats why

    Muhammad(saaws) told us to follow the Quran and his Sunnah (Hadiths)

    and the fabricated Hadiths or the weak narrated ones are well known DID you ever hear by the book for Allama

    Imam Al Albany (rahemahu allah) called alsilsela addaefa it's a huge book and ala albany is Hadith scholar i advise you to read his book he mentioned the weak and fabricated Hadiths and he has a book for alselsela alsahiha for the strong Hadiths

    here is useful website for Hadiths

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We shouldn't follow fabricated Ahadith, and the Qur'an is not the only way to figure out if a Hadith is fabricated or not. There is a very deep system of Isnad, the chain of narrarators. Even if one person in the chain was considered not not have been trustworthy, or lied in his speech, even thought if it was not about Ahadith, the entire chain of Hadith narrated through that person would be considered weak, and upon further scrutiny, possibly fabricated.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A fabricated hadis is not a hadis, therefore one is not oblige to follow it, but if it is good and not in any way go against the teaching Islam, then one can pick a choice either to follow it or not, because it could be words of wisdom from our elders.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. no sane muslim would knowingly follow a fabricated hadith

    2. you're clearly a troublemaker

  • 1 decade ago

    deeds that are not done in accordance with sunnah is not accepted from Allah, so stay away as its 'bidd'ah, and every biddah is a misguidence and every misguidence is in the fire.' and this is authentic

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that is indeed correct.

    Source(s): Ron Paul '08 is on the way to level 2 so I can thumb up and thumb down answers again. YES FINALLY!
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