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What are the scientific miracles in the hadiths?

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    There r many scientific miracle in hadith too

    for example its sunnah to eat with your hand and lick the fingers after u eat,

    by doing this medically proven it helps in digestion.

    and clean your dinner plate real good ,its also a sunnah

    and by doing this u will get vitamins which were settledowned in your plate.

    many more,but i could just write this one

    There r many things about ,miswak,black seed (habbah saudah).and others .u can read on this following site.


    Abu Hurayrah (A.S.) narrated that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said:

    “If I had not found it hard for my followers or the people, I would have ordered them to use the Siwak before every prayer”.

    'A’ishah (A.S.) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

    “(Using) the Siwak cleanses the mouth and brings Allah’s Satisfaction”.

    Explanation of the Hadith

    The Prophet (PBUH) urged all Muslims to use the Siwak, at the time of each prayer (i.e. at least 5 times per day and night). The Siwak (or the Miswak) is a root taken from a small tree or a shrub called "al-Arak" (Salvadore Persica). It may also be taken from other bushes or shrubs such as the wild olive (known as al-'Utm), or from "as-Sambur" bush. Nevertheless, the best Siwak is that taken from the subterranean roots of "al-Arak" bush. The Miswak may also be taken from green twigs, but they are of a lesser quality than the ones taken from the subterranean roots.

    The "Arak" shrub grows in the Arabian Peninsula, and in other dry areas in West Asia and North Africa. It has many branches and green leaves with a faint yellow color. It also has delicate blossoms and fruit known as "Kabath". Those fruits are like small balls in shape, starting red in color but gradually turning black, and contain an appetizing spicy matter. The Prophet (PBUH) recommended using it regularly in many of his Ahadith.

    Lab tests have proven that the "Arak" (Miswak) stick (the root bark) contains many chemical substances. These substances are highly effective in maintaining oral hygiene because they possess antibacterial properties thus protecting the teeth from decay as well as the gums against bacterial plaque (gingivitis).

    Of these substances are: tannic acid, mustard oil and glucose, which have a pungent odor and a warm sharp taste. In addition to these chemicals, "Arak" contains other aromatic substances, resins, sugary substances (saccharides), minerals, and natural plant fibers containing sodium carbonate, which is one of the ingredients used in making toothpaste.

    Such information was not available at the time of the Divine Revelation, and not even for centuries later. The fact that the Prophet (PBUH) recommended using the Siwak at the time of each prayer, gives him (PBUH) precedence in being the first to tackle such means of keeping proper oral and dental hygiene, and protecting the mouth and teeth against harmful bacterial infections. It also shows the Prophet's (PBUH) concern with oral hygiene, as the mouth is the passage through which food passes to the digestive system in the human body. When the food is chewed inside the mouth, remnants of food stick between the teeth and the gums. Such remnants of food, if not cleaned properly, will decay and fill the mouth with fungi and germs that may cause several diseases, in addition to halitosis (the condition of having stale or foul-smelling breath).

    That is why the Prophet (PBUH), advised us to use the Siwak, at the time of each prayer, to cleanse the mouth and teeth from food remnants, and at the same time to have fresh breath. The use of the Miswak also protects the teeth and the rest of the body from being infected with many diseases.

    Again, we must ask ourselves, who taught the seal of the Prophet (PBUH) the benefits of the Siwak, fourteen centuries ago so that he recommended its use at the time of each prayer? At that time no one ever knew of the dangerous effect remnants of food have on the mouth and teeth! Also, at that time, nobody had the slightest idea about the chemical structure of the "Arak" tree in particular. It was only discovered a few years ago at the end of the 20th century!

    The only source for his knowledge (PBUH) could only be Allah, The Creator, Praise and Glory be to Him.

    devoloped by MakkaSoft Co.

    Shias who usually thumb down for me most welcome to do so,bcoz it also encourages me ,

    If my answer hurts them bcoz of the truth ,and leave them speechless thats a big achievement for me

    So more thumb down more success(in many cases)

    i also get encouraged by thumb up by who follows Quran & sunnah and acknowledge my answers

    Thanx in any case

  • nazof
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The answerer above me has a pretty detailed answer.Although I don't like his user id but still. There is also a miracle in wadhu.The act of massa has a significance importance in keeping a muslim in a right state of mind according to many psychologists.And there are others too,but the thing is that if we follow hadith because of its scientific significance we lose our reward and if we follow it because even though we don't know what importance it has but we do it because Allah and his prophet SAW has ordered us to do it then we get our reward.


    I meant Ayatusatan

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although the hadith is the words of the prophet, compiled by humans, they are from God. As Allah says im Surah Najm 3-4:

    وما ينطق عن الهوى ان هي الا وحي يوحى

    Nor does he speak of (his own) desire.

    It is only a Revelation revealed.


    Although not miracles, there are many scientific secrets revealed in the Hadith

    Please visit the following page for detailed in fromation. It discusses scientific details behing some of the Hadith

    I'll just outline some imprtant points here





    - For memory

    - Miswak before sleeping

    - Miswak cures infections

    - Heart problems

    - Taste buds

    - Throat infection

    - Ear infection

    - Brush or miswak? (miswak!)

    - Chemical breakdowns of a miswak



    - The indications of death and its occurrence


    - Man's personality

    - Medical benefits

    - An american doctor charles holmes...

    - The job interview

    - Myths

    - Save yourself

    - Time wasted in shaving

    - Where does the hair go?




    - Swimming is a great activity

    - Swimming and pregnancy?

    - Swimming and breast cancer

    - Benefits of horse riding

    - Muscular improvement


    - Loss of heat

    - Cold weather

    - Hot weather

    - Other benefits

    - Varying perception

    - Visual signals

    - Stress


    - Embriology

    - Dates

    - Circulation of Blood





    Source(s): - The Quran - Interpretation of the Meaning of The Noble Qur.aan in the English Language - By Dr. Muhammad Taqiuddeen al-Hilaalee, Ph.D. and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan - The Science and Sunnah by Muhammad Abd Al-Mannan [can be found here: - My own opinions
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know what Hadith means or not ?

    Hadith means in Arabic a SAY and our Hadiths is the saying of our prophet so he explained to us every thing in the life thats what we called sunnah of the prophet and he told Us to follow the Quran and his Sunnah

    whats is your problem with Hadiths? i forgot you shiite right?

    and it's the most accurate thing after Quran since its saved and memorized by all Muslims and the narration of it like chain and the non trusted narrator in the chain make the Hadith is weak .

    not errors there is few weak Hadiths and we say it's weak because if some one of the narrators was not a trusted source and there is a fabricated Hadiths which is not by the prophet so it has no narrators

    narrators is like a chain from the start to the last one

    EDIT : and yes there are miracles in the Hadiths like when you want to drink water drink it when you sit not stand and few years ago i heard that drinking water when you stand hurt

    you ... there are a lot like that in the sunnah you must drink water and sit down Sunnah is the way of life if you stick to you will be just fine inshallah

    Source(s): read about hadith and sunnah in
  • 1 decade ago

    Hadiths are not a miracles

    Hadiths are needed to know how was prophet Muhammad life because Muslim should follow him.

    There might be some errors in the writing process of hadiths since it was collected by human who may forget something.

    so it's necessary to do research to know the authentication of hadiths.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hadiths are man made, there are no miracles from or about them

  • scientific miracle is an oxymoron

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