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Lv 7
Bill asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Do you feel the right has been castrated by big business? The current president too?


Mr. Tights: Are you trying to be humorous? If straight, the right means "right wing, conservative, free market and limited government, etc.: You don't know that?

Kurt W: You didn't really. answer my question. Yes there has been a democratic majority in the House, etc. Pity. That wasn't so, though, the previous 4 years of Bush's tragic reign. Just wait until the next President and congress!

Update 2:

The res of you: Thanks for honest, perceptive and intelligent answers. You've encouraged me!

Update 3:

Big Kahuna: Well said, a knowledgeable answer and right on. It's just that I'm more disgruntled by the Bush Admin now than the democrates. I fear that negative aspects of human nature (greed) are moving us toward the unfortunate conditions seen so often historically and currently in many countries--a few rich, many poor, and no middle class. And that even via our noble government (noble at least in its original form). Alas, with time, most things seem to deteriorate.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that 'big bidness' and also 'big guvmint' has done a number on most of us middle class folks.And thats Repub and Demos alike. If you were lucky enough to live during the 'Leave it to Beaver'days,you'd know what I'm talking about. If you didn't ,then,as you watch the reruns,you'll see pretty much how it was back then:One car (because Mom didn't have to work)No burglar alarms or burglar bars.You knew your neighbors. Electronics was a black and white TV a transistor radio and maybe a GE clock radio.No air conditioning. OK,now suppose you wanted to go back to living like that.Yeah,just try it sometime.Our tax structure is such that we are taxed(in one form or another)at more than 50% of what we earn.And now gasoline and food costs tax us further.The point is this:In the last 50 yr.since the 'Beave'originally aired there has been no single party in control.So I don't think we can say that just the 'right or 'left' did it.They ALL did it in one way or another,according to what their agenda was.So,to quote Tibalt ,"A plague on both your houses."BK

    Source(s): observe
  • ITGuy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well the right seems to make up the majority of big business, so I'd say the middle class is what's slowly being crushed in this country. We are headed toward either being rich or poor, with fewer and fewer of those in between.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that many true conservatives have been stigmatized by the current admininstration. The sheer unpopularity of the Bush admininstration has deemed the ideology quite disastrous. Big business has always had "the right" by the balls. Lower taxes will always attract big business.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    big business is what make job for the MIDDLE CLASS..but now that the good jobs are being outsourced ..

    the baby boomers are the last group of people who will be able to retire...and the middle class will soon become the lower class and the lower class will be the new homesless

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, big corporations have hijacked some of our government. Bush is part of that and so is McCain, so it's not like they didn't know the circumstances.

  • 1 decade ago

    The so-called 'right' is out gunned in the senate and the house which are making the dumb choices that need "change"

  • Gator
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, more specifically, the "military industrial complex".

  • 1 decade ago

    what right?

    I am not familiar with the term "the right"

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