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$¥€ asked in Social ScienceEconomics · 1 decade ago

We are going threw tough times financially , but what should we do IF?

the economy totally collepses and are dollar is worthless as some are saying this will happen. I do understand all the issues that are causing this, but what should the general public do? Buy gold, leave the U.S, stop working, exchange your dollars for another currency, invest in foreign investments?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The issue is that the US economy has been artificially inflated for a long time, so the market is now self adjusting to where the market truely is...reverting to it's true value not it's percieved value.

    The general Public are ill prepared to change drastically their lifestyle,spending habits or circumstances.

    Institutions -banks,insurance companies,corporations - are the actual mechanisms to alter the US situation and be prepared to make less of a profit to ensure sustainability in the long-term, both of the domestic economy and the export market- I believe the US economy is strong, but needs directional coaxing by both Government and Business leaders to insure the working population stays employed, productively in the long-term,not reap the profits for short-term gain.

    It will be a painful process with casualties but the issue is sustainability in the long-term not the fast earned dollar. Without clear goals and directions no economy can be safe or secure, and thus no worker,manager or company owner or shareholder is either.

    The 2nd part of your question as to what an individual can do is diversify their skill base- from management skills to truck driving or road sweeping, if it pays money it is worth doing, and no paid employment is beneath anyone.

    Diversity of skill-sets increase the chance to get paid work, maybe not as good as your being paid now, but it will be better than starving to death...and if your into it,fun.

    An individual should "network" which is meeting & greeting everyone and everybody, as the more people one knows the better the chances are of hearing about an opportunity, or a chance of an opportunity thereby increasing the probability of surviving this glitch- proving the "it's not what but who" theory.

    Source(s): Boardrooms,documentaries,newspapers and TV....Living in interesting times.
  • 1 decade ago

    start a farm, become energy independent, go totally off the grid, no power lines to your house, solar panels and something else. Live far away from other people too with a hidden driveway, cover it with bushes when you go in and out of your wilderness property. The bands of thugs and such will be roaming the countryside. This is if you're lucky. Go in the hills and eat deer and fresh tomatoes.

    Otherwise, depends how bad it gets. You'll need your own business as there won't be any jobs food on a farm will surely sell. You can make other stuff, clothes, jewelry, cigarretes, ethanol. Gaurd your stuff and make money or trade where you can.

    I think a dpression in todays market would be global, maybe i just love the global apocalypse theory. So, foriegn investments won't help, unless you invest in some secluded property in the phillipenes or someplace nice. Raise some pigs and chill on the beach. Cheneys getting ready they built themselves self contained islands in Dubai.

    I think too if there is a sudden noticable collapse people should ignore thier eviction notices. No one can buy it anyway if the dollars worthless. Let them stay.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well the human species will die off in the coming years, by 2012, so money wont matter anymore, gold wont matter, currencies will not matter. For those that survive, which will be millions of the billions that are on this planet, we will no longer need currency and we will realize that there is no need for currency if the purpose of humans is to advance the human race, we will do things for the benefit of the race, not ourselves. If you dont believe this theory, although I can guarantee you it is going to happen, then I would say to buy gold and move abroad, leave the united states and never come back. You should buy gold now, the dollar is falling while the value of gold is rising, I would actually buy silver instead, but thats just me, what do i know.

  • 1 decade ago

    "if the economy totally collapses"....hmmmm

    Mad Max we come!!!

    I would love to see how I would fare in such a world. If I die I die...but just for the real would be worth it.

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