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Can someone please translate this into spanish plz? No translating websites.?

Hello, I’m here to report the loss of my bag. I was on the bus and but when I was going to get off, I couldn’t find my bag anywhere when I was going to get off. I was going to meet the queen because she was going to give me some money and crown me as prince. I last saw it when I was on the bus and it was next to me but when I looked ten minutes later, I couldn’t find it anywhere. I was sitting on the top deck of the bus all the way at the back. In the bag there were some very valuable things like my crown jewels, car keys, there was also a very expensive diamond studded glove which was really expensive for me to get. It is important for me to get it because those things were really hard to find and they are rare. You can contact me by phone or you can come to my house, or send a letter if you need to contact me in some way.

Dont use websites because i will easily know.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hola, estoy aquì para contar la pérdida de mi bolso. Yo estaba sobre el bus pero cuando estaba para salir, no encontrè my bolso. Yo staba iendo para encontrar la rèina porque estaba para darme algùn dinero y coronarme como princesa. La ùltima vèz que yo lo vì fuè sobre el bus y estaba cerca de mì pero cuando yo vì despuès de diez minudos, no lo encontrè en ninguna parte. Estaba sentada/o al ùltimo piso del bus en la parte posterior. en el bolso estaban algunas cosas preciosas como las joyas de mi corona, las llaves del coche, estaba también un guante muy costoso con muchos diamantes que me costè muchissimo. Es muy importante para mì reobtenerlo porque es muy dificila encontrar aquellas cosas y ellas son muy raras. Tu puedes localizarme con el mòvil o puedes ir a mì casa, o enviarme una crta si tiente que contatarme en alguna manera.

    uff! it was hard but I've done it and I hope yuo like it

    P.S. what absurd story!!

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