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Why am i not a top contributor?

I have answered 799 questions and 10% of that is 79.9, but i counted the best answers and i have 122 altogether. I counted the best answers for video and online games and i have 87 best answers for that, so whats happened? I reached above the 10% best answer thing so why am i not a top contributor for video and online games? I worked out that i need 80 best answers in that category, but i have 87 best answers. Whats wrong?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, no one knows for sure that 10% is the "magic number" for achieving TC status. But that's widely thought to be the lowest percentage for TC.

    Tomorrow is Monday, and Monday is the day Y!A does updates. TC badges are given out (and sometimes withdrawn!) on Mondays, so perhaps you'll get one tomorrow.

    Check back tomorrow. A new "Yahoo Day" begins at midnight, Pacific Time, so if you're in a different time zone, the beginning of the new day will be different.

  • 1 decade ago

    Remember the TC is based on a specific period of time, not the totals for all your time on YA. You can gain and lose the badge each week. They only change the TCs on Monday, so check tommorrow. Some people think the percentage needed is closer to 15%.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The formula is known only to Yahoo.

    The percentages and numbers keep changing.

    Just continue to answer in your chosen section and it will turn up eventually.

    Check back in 2 1/2-3 hours. 2330-0000 California time. (work out your time zone from there)

    That is the time of the new Yahoo day, and today is the start of the new week.

  • anjana
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You have to declare your area of specialty to value your answers for that title 'TOP CONTRIBUTOR"! If you have failed to categorize your field of interest as specialization, all of your best answers to that field are recognized as of general category and they cannot award you the title!

  • 1 decade ago

    I dunno, maybe they don't like you..

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