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How do people get 4 categories in Top Contributor?

I know that users are meant to have a max of 3 categories that they can be TC in. But why have some people got 4 categories? Is it a glitch? a cheat

Here is an example:;_ylt=AkItg66bZ...

If you look at his profile he has 3 categories which he is a TC in.

But you hover over his name here he has 4:;_ylt=AnS39g8bc...

The guys name is Squeederdork

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it's somewhat a glitch and not a cheat or anything like that. I've seen one person with 5 one time and many with 4. I think it is that he contributes to the categories the same amount so it shows it on the balloon next to his name. Whatever shows up on the profile is accurate and he has only 3 categories. Just like how you see I have 83% BA, but when you go to my profile it is only 82%. It's something very similar to this. It raises the amounts in the balloon that opens next to their name. Sorry it this was hard to understand, it's kind of hard for me to explain it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a glitch I had it in 4 categories before and I have seen others with 4. Hope this helps!!!

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