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Where do these folks get the Idea they can repair their cars with no knowledge, parts, tools, or manuals?

Maybe we should require a basic automotive systems class in high school. Perhaps that would help with trusting their mechanics and certainly would make them more competent shoppers.


I am not talking about everyone, The ones I am referencing are obvious.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sadly, insurance rates and mis-funded schools took auto-shop out of most schools here in California !! I agree that there should be a FEW basic classes:

    Automotive Systems: Know how an engine, transmission, and electrical system work. Basic servicing. Basic troubleshooting.

    Fiscal Math: How to balance a checkbook. Understanding interest and payment plans. The importance of saving, and the dangers of credit.

    Home Survival: How to cook, clean, and do laundry. Change a light bulb, fuse, and troubleshot basic home appliances.

    OOPS, I learned all those things at HOME from parents !! YES I think it would be nice for them to have the knowledge... but those damned teachers unions !!

  • Otto
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think a basic class is an excellent idea and have thought so for years. Teach people how to check fluid levels, tire pressure , fill the gas and look the car over for potential problems at a minimum along with the basics of how a car operates. Too many have no concept of when they are being taken "for a ride". A comment about the concept that anyone who can read a book could do it. Mechanics is taught by books and hands on. There are things that the books don't cover. I have been a mechanic for over 40 years and most of what I learned wasn't included in some manual.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those whom you are referring to must be the ones that hate what us mechanic charge to work on their car for them. They don't understand that we have to buy tools, manuals, supplies, pay rent, insurance, utilities, and still try to feed our families.


    I also know of one person right now whom thinks he is a mechanic, I am still working on my van that I bought from the company he and now I work for. The starter quit but it was not the starter motor so he wires in a toggle switch to start the engine. Now not only is that dangerous but it did set the wiring on fire once. I bought the van and repaired the neutral safety switch harness and due to wear replaced the switch itself. Now I can start the van with the key. Also when the van blew a fuse due to the neutral safety wiring harness being ripped from the tranny he jumped a relay to make the AC run at all times even with the Heater/AC control turned off. I do not trust the guy to work on anything I own or drive and neither does the company, he actually thinks he is a genious. Any work needs done to the company vans I take care of it, or refer them to a proper shop that can handle what I know I should not.

    Source(s): I chase electrical problems, been turning a wrench for over 17 years, and I use Mitchell on Demand 5.8.
  • 5 years ago

    The guy who qoated you the official labour time of 0.4 is more than likely correct, BUT you may have to take into consideration that the 4 lock nuts that hold the link arms on do sometime seize & reqiure cutting off. Approx 2 hours labour would be the MAX to charge.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well most of us feel that automotive mechanics is not rocket science. People like to feel self sufficient and not depend on others for every problem that arises. Personally, I have always felt that if anyone can do something, I can do it as well. I am not belittling mechanics, but a simple book reading can usually teach anyone with a basic mechanical inclination to do it for themselves. And as you put it, many mechanics and garages , not all, but many have a reputation of over charging or doing unnecessary repairs. Just easier to take a shot ourselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am impressed with the German's driving school. They learn the rules of the road, how a car works, basic maintenance and driving skills. It takes about a year.

    Problem now is, most dads don't work on cars, so kids don't learn. Hell, there's nothing to do any more. I grew up replacing points, plugs, brake shoes, etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's funny Superman referenced rocket science. Did you know today's vehicles have more computers and wiring on them than the first space shuttle? Funny huh? I don't blame or condemn do-it-your-selfers, I think it is cool that they try. I am just glad there are times they still need a good tech, I know I need to pay for my house!

    Source(s): ASE Master Tech Toyota Master Diag Tech
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if they are interested in mechanics, they have to start somewhere. i did,nt know much when i first started and still don,t know everything. the best mechanic around can get stumped.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People are ignorant. They think they are all high and mighty till they severely $@#% stuff up and then they got to pay a mechanic to fix the original problem and whatever they messed up in the process. Somebody has to keep mechanics employed...

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