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2002 honda civic timing chain?

4cyln std 1.7 dx driving down the rode and it died tried to restart and it gave a whine and its not the starter~need help and how much should it cost?


how to tell if a timing belt went and how much?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to check the basics like fuel, spark and compression. If you are suspecting a broken belt then perform a compression test. If you dont have a compression tester then remove the oil cap and have someone crank the car over while you look inside. If the belt is broken then the cam wont be spinning. If you see parts moving then you can assume the belt didnt snap.

    If the belt did snap then it's going to be exspensive. The d17 is an interfernece motor meaning if the belts snap the pistons are going to hit the valves. You would need to replace the bent valves and obvs replace the belt, also the water pump while you are in there.

    You might be able to find a junkyard head for cheaper then replacing the valves and slap it on. Plus if you cant afford downtime on your car it shouldnt take more then a day to swap the head.

    Good luck

    Source(s): Honda Technician
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Hi Mike as it is a job that you personally should not do yourself it makes little difference so call in at a dealer and ask them they will tell you. If it is a belt then yes it needs doing probably about now. however if it is a chain it will wait a lot longer as chains do not wear as badly as a belt. consult with a honda dealer on the topic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that,s what it sounds like, the belt. the crank is turning but not the cam.

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