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larry n asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do Depressions only occur when the Republicans run the economy?

E.g., the Great Depression, the New Depression.

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why do wars always occur under democrats (except under Bush, who isn't a traditional republican)? It's their hobby!

    Looks like Bush is batting 1000: he started a war AND a major recession!

  • Ben
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The economy runs the economy, not the President, not the Congress. Do government spending and policies have an impact? Sure does, but it's far from the big picture. The economy fails when it does because we allow these artificial bubbles to form where prices inflate to ridiculous levels (the dot-com bubble started to burst under Clinton, by the way) and the markets can only sustain it so long. Eventually there is a market correction (ie, a crash) and we enter a period of recession. The solution, you might ask? Get the government the hell out of the economy. People talk about Republicans "deregulating" the economy, but that's not really what they did. What they did was pass bad legislation that created plenty of loopholes for companies to make money in the short term, but that sacrificed their long-term viability. I can probably count on one hand the number of true free-market Republicans there are in DC right now, and let me tell you, not Bush the first, the second, or Ronald Reagan, or most of their congressional cronies, give a damn about real free markets. Abolish the Federal Reserve. Eliminate the income tax, both personal and business. Let markets determine interest rates and lending policies. THAT's what deregulation is about. THAT's what free markets are about. Tax breaks to specific companies, artificially high or low interest rates, pork barrel spending projects, and kickbacks to lobbyists are a phenomenon encouraged equally by both Republicans and Democrats (whether they care to admit it or not) and it's Keynesian economics at its worst. Saying that this mess is because of deregulation or government spending is like saying World War II was about liberating France. Was it a part? Sure. Does it miss the point? Definitely.

  • 1 decade ago

    Herbert Hoover did almost exactly what Barack Obama is saying he plans on doing... He raised taxes on the top wage earners from 25 to 63%. He vetoed any legislation that would reduce taxes. He increased the tariffs for foreign made products from 22 to 50%.

    He attempted to get big banks to loan money to small banks in order to stimulate and save the economy. He attempted to hold off the "recession" which eventually turned into the Great Depression by pushing government spending to an all time high at that point.

    This all backfired because the big businesses were unregulated and did not have as much demand as they did supply. They could not create the demand needed and they were lending money amongst themselves rather than putting money into building factories, creating more jobs, etc.

    Eventually the dollar deflated and with no low level manufacturing jobs, the economy weakened because the money was where it did not need to be in banks and the market being accumulated rather than reinvested.

    So people started seeing the market going down and started running on the banks. Especially in the rural areas where weak banks who did not have a lot of excess capital started collapsing left and right.

    Oh well, you can read about it yourself. Basically though, the Republicans were increasing taxes and spending to the point of collapse because the business world was hoarding money rather than reinvesting it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Simple, because their in it for the BUCK.

    Bush senior, was sent to war, got shot down etc. etc. and came back to get compensated. Really needed mental treatment which was not available at the time. Let's ask who started that war?

    Reagon the gunslinger went out west and continued his acting career in the whitehouse, surrounder with other gunslingers.

    Bush junior, alcholic and drug attic, a genetic sicko wanted to show up the father and raise the anties, with no consideration for life or morals. (Skull and Bones)

    Bush, Cheney, Bin Laden Family, Saudis, Iraq, all hungry in the Oil business. Now start to smell the coffee. Jes...Murphy they have the Saudis watching your ports you bunch of blind id..... and your trying to degrade Obama, with reverand Wright, or Ayers now. Are you sick!

    blind or just lost your sense of smell.

    Now, McCain has his followers playing games on the news.

    Shame on this fox. No wonder he was with Slicky Dicky in the white house, they must really laugh at their followers.

    To change the subject slightly, for the first time I seen Larry King on CNN kissing the President Of Irans Butt, asking him what he thought of Jews, Israel. We know CNN is part of the Fortune 500 upper 5%, how could they not be, receiving all these advertising dollars. If they are Keeping them honest, maybe Larry along with some other hosts on CNN should devulge who they stand with politically. After all they want to know everybody elses political preferences. Then, we the public would know if they are giving equal time and parity to their guests. Isn't that a good idea?

    Source(s): An open eye, and incidentally I was in the Navy in the 50's, so I'm not a pup.
  • 1 decade ago

    honestly, its not that teh republicans are running a bad economy, it may be, but this is like a half of a depression so there hasnt even been two yet. i think that they just happen to be in the presidency when the people go hay-wire. republicans are mainly for what this country was originally established for: run by the people and for the people. and the people NOW have been horrible so thats the peoples mistake

    REGARDING TEH GREAT DEPRESSION, that wasnt teh presidents fault. the great depression was because of taxes for world war two. so we had two choices--tax the people, or die. i think it was a logical choice to raise taxes AT THAT POINT. now obama is planning on raising taxes for the rich and giving that money to the poor essentially. and personally, i dont think robin hood would have been a good politician.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Check your history. This is a world economy. It cant compare with anything in the past. Its not a depression, wait til they start taxing your 401k's.

  • 1 decade ago

    Excuse me, We had 19% economic growth in Bush's first 6 years. When the Democrat Congress or "Do Nothing" the economy has gone downhill. The Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae was the catalyst that has brought us to our Knees. Barack Obama and ACORN pushed for those no down 0% mortgages for people who he knew could not afford them. But he "Prospered". So if you believe that he is going to save your ***, you are wrong. It is all about Greed!

  • Lisa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you recall, it was under Bill Clinton that NAFTA was enacted, and we started waving our good-paying jobs bye...this has been a long time in the making. People were living in denial on credit, and now it's come to haunt them.

    Darling, FDR was a Dem, and the crash did not instantly bring on the depression. I did my homework and read up on it

  • 1 decade ago

    Umm, lets see here. The Democratic congress has set up the worst financial ruin ever by forcing banks to carry sub prime loans in exchange for 100s of millions of dollars kicked back to them (thanks to Senators Dodd, Frank, Shulmer as well as Obama's involvement with ACORN and you have the audacity to be this ignorant. They need to be impeached as well as most of congress. The only thing Bush has to be blamed for is being to damn ignorant to refuse bailout and not hold hearings on the people I listed and many others. NO INCUMBANTS THIS ELECTION> As Donald Trump would tell them- "your FIRED".

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not a depression yet and i am so sick of REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS blaming and bad mouthing each other thats one of the main problems our country has we'd be #1 if we just got along and voted for the person whoo can help our country the most. So get over your petty differenences and start actually trying to fix this country!

  • birdie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The "Fed" is a Ponzi scheme. It is debt that is issued by a select group of bankers (and their ilk) ie

    1) Rothchildsand londen/berlin

    2) Lazard Bros of paris

    3) Kuhn loeb & co Germany/New York

    4) Warburg co of Hamburg, Germany

    5)Goldman Sachachs of NY....!

    6)Rockefellar Bros of NY.........!

    Source(s): London Financial Times etc etc etc since the 1930's any way. WSJ, WAPO, LAT... Americans do not seem to know that we do NOT have a National bank. ??? How goofy is that?
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