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Software to do THIS - free ...?

I'm in need of an extremely simple program to create extremely simple html form tests with. It only needs to ask me what each question is, and allow me to either provide multiple choice answers with one correct, or provide a true/false option, with seperate sections for each, and swappable by either method for answers for the same questions.

Simply put, I have some people who need to get ready for the driver's exam for both learner's permits and licenses, at different levels of licenses. I'd like to take the info in the book, and convert it to a multiple choice exam they can take and randomize the question order for them to just keep repeating the test in an html page form, with a correct or not correct grading system and track the ones they get wrong each time.

That's it, no more, no bells and whistles, simple yes or no, and which ones are wrong and right at the end of each test session.

The only extra that might be desirable would be a "random whole number from 1 to ##" generated by the computer for some of the questions so the same 4 number choices aren't there each time.

No PDA available as of yet, but may get a cheap used on in the future. So that's a possibility so i can just loan each of them the PDA.

Thanks in advance!.


Since asking went to and dloaded SEVERAL easy test creators / makers / builders froom their freeware section.

Anyone else looking for the same thing, I haven't tested them yet, but will soon.

1 Answer

  • Cory B
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you know html code you can just make it in wordpad. and then use it whereever you want.

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