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Batch file automatically ejecting a flash drive?

I have a nice little batch file set up to copy files, but I want it to be able to eject itself for fast transfer. Is there a way to do this using batch files?

I have also tried opening explorer.exe, but I cannot open the "Computer" area. Is there a specific way to access that area?

once again, thanks in advance


sorry, need this done by tomorrow..

wait, was that just spam?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are a couple of links here, where you can find that utility.

    Just a word, they are freeware and shareware.

    Download at your own risk.

  • 5 years ago

    echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :FIND.BACKUP.DRIVE.LETTER set start.dir=%systemdrive% J: %cls% if not "%cd:~0,2%"=="%start.dir%" goto next I: %cls% if not "%cd:~0,2%"=="%start.dir%" goto next H: %cls% if not "%cd:~0,2%"=="%start.dir%" goto next if "%cd:~0,2%"=="%start.dir%" ( echo WAITING FOR FLASH MEDIUM TO BE CONNECTED . . . if exist "%windir%\system32\timeout.exe" timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul if not exist "%windir%\system32\timeout.exe" pause goto FIND.FLASH.DRIVE.LETTER ) :next set start.hour=%time:~0,2% set start.min=%time:~3,2% REM FLASH.DRIVE IS THE FLASH DRIVE. set,2% if exist "\pro\log.txt" move "\pro\log.txt" "%userprofile%\desktop\*.*" if not exist set /a total.time=((((%time:~0,2%-%start.hour%)... && echo Flash Drive has been in for !total.time! minutes. && Pause>nul

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