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What are the foods and drinks when youre period?

My best fren told me bout this stuff (shes having hers) and i dunno what to say tho. I read from the net bout chocolate and i think im gonna buy one for her.

what about drink? Livita? Redbull?


Imxal, she doesnt want to hv any drugs, pills etc. (for future purpose).

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Traditional Remedy:

    Buat Nasi Putih added with powdered Lada Hitam into Bebola Nasi.

    Ask her to makan while it’s still panas-panas.

    Take 2 half boiled egg add a pinch / two powdered black pepper.

    Makan it with 2 / 3 Slice of Bread & minum Kopi Cina.


    If she’s having any pain / muscle cram around * you know where…

    *Kopi Cina will help her pain to go away--if she’s having any pain / muscle cram

    * Even pepper too will do the same

    ---> You can also opt by heading to the nearest pharmacy

    Ask them for Menstrual Pain Killer

    It’s specially made to tahan sakit period

    So it doesn’t have side effect & it’s in pink in color


    Ask her to take Acid Folic + Iron Tables + B—complex

    It helps her to regulate “flow” when she’s having her period.

    Same goes for Hati Lembu / Bayam Merah

    PS: If she don’t makan lembu then she can opt to Broccoli.

    Broccoli is rich with iron too

    ---> And she’ll need it not only to regulate her period but also to restore her lost blood.

    * Avoid giving her any acidic drinks.

    What’s givable—Hot cocoa / Chocolate drink / Warm Milk

    Sup Nasi Ayam--->It gives her strength

    Ask her to minum air banyak-banyak

    Cheekeedee::: # Blush #

    Meg Pee::: * Blush *

  • 5 years ago

    You should be intaking 8 glasses of water at least a day to cut back on bloating. Try to stay away from extra salt and caffeine (NO Monsters!) that make bloating worse. One thing that I like that helps is pineapple. It's so sweet that it's like eating candy, but it's still healthy. most fruits can help you get your sweet kick without so much indulgence. I also really enjoy avocados with a little salt and some plain pita bread. Salt fix without the terrible, overly salty chips and snacks.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol, dont follow yaya's idea,, its only for garang chics,, lol.

    well, any food or drinks that is heaty is good, like god say (ginger tea) coz it eases the blood circulation and improves blood flow, which will relieve the cramp. Chocolate is definitely in!

    any food or drink that has cooling effect can worsen the cramp (strictly no ice) livita,or red bull, make sure its room temperature

    getting chocolate for her is a brilliant idea, coz it also can relieve the cramp (a bit only ) and best of all, could improve her mood. well, thats if she likes chocolate.

    hey,, it is so thoughtful of you,, why cant all men be like you. Shame on Jedi. :))

    edit-- Jeffy,,! even i also curl up with a bottle of hot water on my abs on the sofa,, :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Kicap Patima

  • Jeffy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    wow..ryuzaki, you really surprise me lar..

    i hope men like you wont go extinct soon!

    during period, chocolate is a good a idea..

    i always go for dark chocolate, choco eclairs and kinder bueno.

    ask her what brand she prefers though..

    warm chicken soup at night..

    [it doesnt matter with herbs or not]

    some women prefers hot & spicy food during their period..but it really varies between women..

    i don't find livita, redbull, kratingdaeng etc helpful during period..

    warm drinks are more comforting..

    btw, in my teenage years i was always curled up on my sofa with a hot water bottle on my tummy..

    bad bad period cramps..

    but it gets better through the years though..

    who ever's gonna be your wife is really lucky!

    edit : debica..hehehe..the hot water bottle is really soothing to the sore tummy right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Milk is good to drink. There is something in it that helps PMS. Chocolate helps too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like chocolate too and no cool.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol hot chocolate...

    dont buy her cold fruits, no watermelon, no pineapple no cold fruits, did i just repeat myself? no cold drinks either...

    i have special cravings for lemon-ish food (which is bad bad) and hot & spicy chilli food. that's me

  • 1 decade ago

    Imxal <-- huwa... complete answer. That's what my doc told me too


  • maybe kacip fatima or ginger tea(my friend said ginger tea is good when period)

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