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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Who has felt God working in your life?

I have a dozen 'little' experiences that I've noticed were definately God working in my story is a bit incriminating, but is firmly planted in my memory, years ago I would have likely OD'd (I can remember my thought processes at that moment) but a large hand came out of nowhere and stopped me. More recently, (a few months ago), things weren't going too well for me, I was kicked out of school, still addicted, insomniac, etc. and I decided to pray for some reason, during my prayer I was telling God how I couldn't just give up my vices, and friends and hobbies. But God just said "come to Me" and made me feel that I didn't need to worry about my situation because God would fix everything if I surrendered myself completely to Him.

In only a few months, God has helped me become physically, mentally, and spiritually clean, and just very recently after I was turned down from my old university because of my school records, God provided funds and an oppurtunity to go to a school of evange lism. (AFCOE) The money and oppurtunity have come out of nowhere, and I can only give God the credit for leading in my life......Does anyone have any stories or anything?? Praise God! :D

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God's worked a lot in my life.

    I'm a teen who has problems that border the lines of addiction and God told me too that He wasnt mad and I've got more self-control now that God has freed me from condemnation. I still screw up a lot but when I do I force myself to talk with God afterwords about it so I won't lose my relationship with him due to acsess sin. Now He has helped me get close to Him again and not depend on phscological feelings but faith. As I said I still mess up but Im getting better. I have had severe depression and He's helped me with that also. And more then anything He 's been teaching me the meanings of life and how I don't need to fear after death, a fear I have had since little, He has taught me to have more patience and well I dont know but Hes taught me a lot lately. But the most is to just trust Him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "In only a few months, God has helped me become physically, mentally, and spiritually clean"

    Did you go to prison? Most criminals have the exact same thing happen to them upon entering prison for the first time.

    And God provided you with the funds...out of nowhere??? Like you just woke up in the morning and there was a pile of cash at the foot of your bed? And the new have never made contact with that school, they just called you up out of the blue and said "we want you"?

    So why did god split up the money and the school opportunity? If he could get the school to accept you why not simply have them accept you for FREE??? must be one of god's very very favortites. I know hundreds of christians who are just as devout and faithful as any...yet their lives are quite miserable. What have you done differently to receive the favor of god while so many others live in daily misery with a bible clutched firmly in their hand?

  • What a beautiful testimony! Wow. Yes, God has done a lot in my life and still is. There are so many scenerios, I lost count. However, I dont feel like typing all of that but I would be more than happy to email you if you really want to know. In the meantime, God bless you and have a wonderful holiday.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    IJR has. IJR asked GOD to fill IJR's heart and help IJr be the kind of person God wants IJR to be. After getting no response, IJR finally admitted that a believe in God was not logical. And IJR's heart and "soul" were ripped open and exposed to the beauty of nature and the Cosmos, and IJR was free to understand everything free from the strict confines of religion. IJR calls it a Spiritual Awakening in Reverse. Over the course of time, IJR came to realize that a Deity could not possibly exist, and IJR has never been happier or freer. Give this a Thumbs Down if you like, but IJR truthfully answered the question presented.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have felt God work in my life 2! :D First, He took one of my loved ones away-thats where you wonder if God was real or if I was alone in the world. Next, He taught me to lean on Him and He alone would be my shelter... (He didn't actually verbally say this, but how else could I have survived as a child without a parent? Finally, He is piecing my life back together and my parent remarried and I am in a happy family again! Praise God for sure!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    PRAISE GOD-your testimony is wonderful! I have a lot of stories, but will tell a couple. About 22 years ago, I was married to a man who beat me. I had him put in jail, but went to visit him. The jail was on a "cliff".

    On the way home from visiting him, coming down the cliff (no guardrails), I prayed...."God-do you want me to get him out of jail? Please give me a sign!" Less than 5 minutes later, my car skidded and went over the cliff. My car flipped 6 times and I knew I was dying. What was strange was I felt a calm peace, and I HEARD God say...."Not yet-your time is not yet".

    I landed in a lot of trees and bushes-my car was completely totaled out, but I did not have a scratch on me!! PRAISE GOD! I give GOD all the glory!! He is so incredibly GOOD! Yeah-I'd say that was the sign I asked for!

    Another time I had something bad wrong with my legs, and was in a lot of pain, for months. Doctors could not figure out what was wrong with me. I was in a new church, and the pastor, who did not know me, said "Someone needs healing today!". I looked around to see who he would go to, and he came straight to me and laid his hands on me, and so did people around me. God HEALED MY LEGS right there! PRAISE GOD! Again, I give Him all the glory!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have many many experiences when I was helped by God. There was very bad time in my life, when I was feeling very helpless. I told God in my mind that unless I get somebody as anonymous friend (because I did not wish to disclose my problems to anybody) I would commit sue side. Within few days a friendly stranger came to me and said that he feels like giving company to me. He stayed in my company till I became stable mentally and after that he went away.

    This experience was prior to diksha which was taken by me from my spiritual guru Shri Sat-guru Wamanrao Pai. Later I had many more experiences by his grace.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have many stories, God works in my life daily, but the best and most simple adage is "Let Go, Let God"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is such a beautiful testimonial.

    Thank-you for sharing.

    I have felt God working in my life as well.

    Bless up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only when good stuff happens.

    When bad stuff happens it must be Satan.

    Then i tell God that Satan is picking on me. But God never seems to do anything about it.

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