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Anonymous asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

How cowardly can Israel get?

They kept the blockade going for as long as possible to keep the Palestinians weak, then, when school was out for the Palestinians children and they were going home, they attack?

And for everyone who's saying, this is punishment for what Hamas is doing, thats complete bullsh*t. You can't kill 200 people, and wound more than 400, because of a couple of pathetic rockets that scared you. Don't try justifying Israels' cowardly attacks, cause you can't.


@Jim: There's a difference between retaliating and blowing up the whole country. Israel is practically declaring war, they said it won't stop for at least two weeks.

Update 2:

@alan m: Most of the people killed today were civilians, even CNN said it. And as for Hamas "bombing" Israel, you really can't compare homemade rockets to the missles Israel has.

16 Answers

  • G. #2
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very coward, more coward cannot exist.

    Da not only they did all this, but also they (Yahoo-di) tried to ban me from posting in here by suspending my account and IP Adress.

    Moral: How can they stop an entire nation if they cannot even stop ONE person?

    Edit: Oh yeah, I am G. who posted earlier in this question.

  • Pete O
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Israel has every right to defend itself from continuing rocket attacks from Hamas in Gaza.

    Hamas is not the true rulers of Gaza they took over the government by force from the elected Palestine Government and have led the country into ruin.

    Most of the bombs were aimed at Hamas installations in Gaza and hundreds of Hamas have been killed.

    Some reports suggest that civilians have been killed but most are Hamas civilains disguised as normal people.

    No matter what happens the Israel attack will be described as cowardly but Hamas has been warned many times. Action was the only answer to terrorism.

    Remember Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel even during the cease fire.

  • 5 years ago

    Gordo, Israelis are not cowardly they shield themselves and their rights from terrorists, the media and the UN. good on them. Dan Dan, what the hell have you ever been observing? it relatively is not the Israelis who're attacking civilians, you're touching on Hamas the worry organization. massive distinction. Secondly do not propose that the Holocaust brought about Zionism. present day Zionism originated in 1896 via a journalist and pioneer named Theodore Herzl. it relatively is 27 years till now the Holocaust began. (It began in 1933, WWII began in 1939)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'm a 16 year old jewish girl.

    i lived in israel for a few months but i am american.

    to answer your question:

    i love the state of israel.

    it is a beautiful country full of culture and good people.

    i do not think all jews are good, just like not all christians and muslims are good.

    but i will say that i am against violence, on both sides, and in general.

    so to everyone who says all jews are violent and want to fight, that is not true.

    i hate war and violence.

    i hope i answered your question.



  • 1 decade ago

    I know right Israelis are cowards. If they weren't cowards then they wouldn't have taken over Palestine a weak country (no offense). Why don't they go and take over Egypt or Germany? You know why because they are scared COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any more cowardly than this? I hope God wipes them off the face of the earth. We do not need any more terrorists on this planet. Everyone that wants to fight and kill innocent civilians can leave this planet and go somewhere else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My mom's family are in Gaza and are under bombardment. If Israel does anything to hurt them, I will get that vest myself and do something about it! I have not seen my family in over 7 years!

    Oh and I hope Iran does something about it, I'm not a great supporter of Iran but anything could be helpful right now!

    Source(s): Palestinian & Christian & Fuuck Israel
  • 1 decade ago

    There is no limit to the cowardice of vicious child killers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's exactly my point,

    They are afraid of a small group of people who are exiled from the rest of the world who have no food, medicine, money. nothing except rocks and mini rockets, and then attack them.

    They are the joke of the century and anyways, they will all be slaughtered and killed before the Judgement Day.

    Even rocks and trees will say: "Oh Muslims, there is a Jew piece of $hit in toilet behind me, come and kill him"

    btw, "piece of $hit in toilet" was added by me.

  • 1 decade ago

    israelis are a gr8 example of cowards

    those damn jews can't do anything else

    i'm just waiting for the day when Iran and Pakistan will nuke Israel

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