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Does my boyfriend seem clingy?

I know I should probably work on being a better girlfriend, but my boyfriend seems to be getting really clingy. I've gotten to where I don't like to text. So, I'll turn my phone off. When I turn my phone on at the end of the day, there's 5 or 6 voice mails from him saying "hey, it's me..." over and over. If I have my phone on, and I don't hear it ring, he'll call 10 or 15 times. One time, I was trying to sleep, and it was about one in the morning, and so I just let it ring, because I was half asleep. He called 26 times. If I'm in the mood to text, I'll text him. If I don't text him back within a 10 minute range, he repeatedly texts "baby?" over and over. When I do pick up my phone, he always says "wanna do something today?" I don't know if he's being clingy or if I'm sort of neglecting him. If he's clingy, how do I tell him?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok I didn't expect to read about him being THAT clingy .. ! Yes that is way over the top.

    I guess you should make him go cold turkey by saying you don't like it at all and say something like, 'other people would think it's too clingy too' so he knows it's not just you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, it kinda depends on how often you do actually spend time with him. If your NEVER in the mood to text or hang out, then to me, it doesn't seem too wrong for him to keep tryin to get a hold of you at a time you want to hang out.

    He's going a bit over board. I think you should talk to him about it, just say you need a bit more alone time. Just explain you're not up to talking all through the day. Maybe make specific plans with him for a specific time and place more often.

    He's probably just crazy about you, he doesn't mean any harm. Just ask him for a bit more space. And yeah, he's being a bit clingy, but a lot of people are when they really like someone.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he is definitely being clingy that is just too much !

    I had this myself i was going out with this totally cute guy and then we spent like every day together from like 11 am - 6 pm or later and we ended up breaking up because we were getting under each others feet.

    Please don't let this happen to you just tell him you think he is being a bit clingy and maybe to stop texting so much because you find it a bit annoying !

    Hope i helped

    Grace x

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    First off, he is defintely clingy. Very clingy.

    Second, you tell him by sitting him down and saying something like: 'Hey there's something I wanted to talk to you about. It seems like lately you've been calling me a lot and leaving me a lot of voicemails, and it's getting a little overwhelming! I like you a lot and want to continue seeing you, but your constant need to communicate with me is getting to be a bit too much. Could you tone it down a little bit?'

    Just be nice, and hopefully he'll understand. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Haha, that's really annoying, lol.

    Just tell him to give you some space, and to stop texting and calling you so much.

    If he doesn't stop bothering you or makes a big deal about it, just dump him. Calling someone 26 times in one day is ridiculous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i kind've get annoyed when my girlfriend won't text me back or talk to me when i know shes around her phone or texting other people, but i dont bug her. i like to only text when i get a text back. it sounds like hes clingy but its probably cuz he really cares so when he feels like your neglecting him he gets worried. just try talking to her more and be really patient and nice when you tell him you dont want to hang out or you dont want to text but make sure you tell him your tired so you're turning your phone off and you'll text him later or something so he doesn't think your ignoring him.

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    just tell him you need a lil space sometimes and hopefully hell understand. it wouldnt hurt to just text him back once - just make up an excuse like 'im taking a shower now speak to you later' or something :P

  • 1 decade ago

    stalker move on he is more than clingy just tell him to stop blowing up you phone tell him you still need your own life

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats annoying. He

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow you need to dump him!

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