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Christians what is the point of antagonizing others to believe?

Most of the time, Well really all of the time you guys do try to convert others you come off as Extremely Self Righteous and Obnoxious.

I really don't care what Jesus told you to believe, But don't you think its a bit disrespectful to tell people they are gonna burn in hellfire if they do not believe the same as you?


Angie, The Problem is not me but my Children.

The other day i was watching television and i saw a T.V ad that showed people burning and at the end it said "Jesus can only save you" and i found it a bit disrespectful of them to frighten my nephew like that.

Update 2:

Wes, There is no reason to believe in God.

No body is making a threat against you.

Is it insulting to tell others that Santa Clause is not real?

Update 3:

Rev-em up wright, No one is scared of Hell fire you purposely misinterpreted my statement.

I am saying this because i am tired of the Self Righteousness that dwells within Christianity.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We have ads like that too, it's kind of disturbing and actually gives me small flash backs of when I was a kid and christian teachers telling me my parents would burn.

    With every choice comes responsibility and consequence. In christianity the life we choose (especially if you're an atheist), also has responsibility and consequences. The major one of course is that people will burn for the supposed "choices" they make.

    Playing to fear is what it is really. And as if a kid sees this, all the better in most cases *insert sarcasm*.

  • 1 decade ago

    Greetings! There isn't any point in antagonizing anyone to accept the Truth. Man can only bring condemnation. This is obviously what you have felt thus far; however, it is the Holy Spirit of God who brings conviction. When you are convicted of your sin, you will recognize your guilt and need for a Savior. Jesus the Christ the Messiah desires to be your Lord. If He is your Lord, you will obey His Word. As a result of Jesus being your Lord, He will also save you from the just consequences of your sinful life. Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one goes to God the Father except through Jesus. This is not an attempt to antagonize you or anyone else. It's an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with you, and it's my hope that you will come to a point where you will believe and follow Jesus before it's too late. God longs for you to be with Him for eternity; however, He cannot be in the presence of sin. If you die without Jesus as your Lord, you will die in your sins and be eternally separated from God. There's no need for this to happen. The choice is yours. It's my hope that you will reject death and choose life.

    You mentioned the lie of "Santa Claus". The link will give you some Truth about The Great Imposter known as "Santa". It's good to know what is the Truth and what is a lie that comes straight from the devil.

    I don't speak the Truth to make a reputation for myself or to cause others to fear. Instead, I enjoy sharing Good News with others in order for them to know that they can have a Hope and a Future that no one can take away from them. There is no better Hope or Future than what Disciples of Christ will have with God.

    I'm not here to "convert" anyone; however, I am here to share the Truth. The Truth which can set YOU free is found in God's Word. I will be obedient to God's Word and continue to share with others how to have a relationship with God. It's not His desire for any to perish. It's my hope that you will reject death and choose life. God desires for you to have life and to have a life that is more abundant that you can imagine.

    The fact is that God sent Jesus the Christ the Messiah to be both Lord and Savior to a world that would die in its sin if it were not for God's perfect plan to save all those who choose to believe in Jesus. If the person believes, the person will obey God's Word. This is the sign of a believer.

    Source(s): "Santa Claus" -- The Great Imposter
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Christian and I agree with all you have said. They do much harm to Christianity, really convert no one, and God does not draw people to him through 'fear of hell'. These people are on a self-defeating mission. Love and acceptance is much more powerful than fear. Jesus never preached fear!

    To some of these, converting others is like collecting coin, stamps, chips or whatever. They take pride (deadly sin) in their number of conversions.

    The Bible tells us that 'no one comes to the Father unless the Spirit draws him. I think it's better to pray for others and let God be God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm..."all of the time"

    Please don't associate your bad experiences, especially those you've had through Yahoo Answers to mean that all Christian act and speak the same way. That my friend is also disrespectful and rude.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So, what the hell are you doing on R & S? Making an *ss out of yourself, as usual?

    I could careless what you believe or for that matter what you think.

    Please do the same courtesy for me.

    Btw, burning in hellfire is your choice to make not ours and why worry cause you don't exist anyway.

    That part has always been so amusing to me, you people don't believe in hell, but are scared to death about it. How does that work?

    Source(s): Btw, most Christians don't say that anyway, but if it will make you feel better I will. That way you can sort of justify your dumb argument.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just think of simple psychology and know that most people live in their own fears, this is all just a projection of their own fears, if they truly believed they would not even care. I don't understand how one can say that faith is absolute, yet get shaken out of that head space in a millisecond, just more religious lies if you ask me.

  • mecasa
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because those people do not know you, and you do not know them, I'd have to say that the point of it all is whatever each participant needed it to be for themselves at that point in their lives.

    My point in writing this is to wish you "happy trails", because that is someting I want for myself today.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They get a microwave for every 25 converts.

  • jen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I do not say to any one they will burn in hell, Acts 2:27-35, Jesus was resurrected out of hell, if that is what happened to him it is good enough for me, hell, tomb, cave, pit, sepulchre, grave, Sheol, Hades, the dark abode of the dead, burial plot, and even death is where all are resurrected from. 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53.

    Source(s): Bible.
  • 1 decade ago

    Many who claim to be "sharing the good news" and "witnessing" are actually pumping up their shaky faith by imagining horrible fates for those who don't share it. Revenge fantasies are what seem to get some believers through the day.

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