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What would you do if you were the president?

13 Answers

  • Stan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The first thing I'd do is pull all combat troops out of Iraq and bring them home.

    I'd use part of the money we'd save to help create green jobs to get us out from under foreign oil.

    I'd prosecute Bush/Cheney for war crimes and subverting our Constitution.

    I'd require one year of service, whether social, daycare, teaching, military..etc from every American at the age of 18...NO exceptions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Restructure the cabinet.

    Since this is the 21st century, we don't need a whole department with paid professionals and billions of dollars at their disposal for interoffice communication. Homeland Security gets replaced with a twenty dollar computer I buy from Goodwill.

    The Department of Defense no longer gets funding determined by how much money they spent last year. Money becomes just as need-to-have as information is need-to-know. Every command in the military discloses their entire budget to a database on the aforementioned twenty dollar computer. There will be no more spending money on steak dinners instead of body armor, period. Officers bunk, staterooms are storage rooms. Sergeants and Chiefs still get better food. Their budget gets reviewed and approved by the departments of State, Interior, and Treasury before they see a dime. They still have the highest technology and best equipment. They just get fewer rock concerts.

    The Treasury goes paperless and transparent. An Audit now requires a search warrant and proving intent to defraud the government beyond a reasonable doubt. The IRS has their own computers already, and their own databasing software. They also have profile information on all existing taxpayers. Every tax form is essentially an update to the existing profile information. Therefore, taxpayers will have their own profile which they can update online, through the aid of a tax professional, or through mail, whenever they want to, and in April their taxes will be handled automatically and a simple bill or refund check will be mailed to each taxpayer without the taxpayer lifting a finger. If they feel their return was wrong, they will be able to correct their return or bill between April 15th and May 15th. It's 2009, there's no reason to give people stacks of paperwork anymore and opportunities to screw themselves up, and there should never be a federal crime that can be committed accidentally.

    Once those three things are done, any other department that doesn't shape up on its own gets my full attention over the rest of my term.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would stop messing with the affairs of other countries. Instead I would focus on reducing the chance of economic collapse in our own. Forget social wedge issues. We have a recession at hand! Our government needs to spend less and pay off its debts to foreign countries, not borrow the money to pay off interest for loans ! I would also cut back government regulations that make it harder to do business and get a profit. Those things drive the economy and regulations slow it down and fatten up the bloated fish that has become our government.

    I would cut programs faster than a hot knife through butter. "Save" would be the new government motto.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would give the FEC or the Electoral College or some other body clear responsibility for preventing someone who is not, or might not be, a natural born citizen from becoming President.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stop USA foreign interventionists wars, take away excessive power from the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA, and give more power to the consumers. poor and minorities over the big corporations and government agencies by establishing boards across the country with members voted by the general population to watch them. And make this country more like Canada, with social services to everybody who can qualify. Of course, I will allow capitalism. But no special interest groups dictating policies in Washington without the public knowing about. Then this country will be democratic! [Like Sweden, Switzerland and New Zealand]. If USA doesn't change, it will go down like the Roman Empire, and it certainly does what is happening now. P.D.: And thanks for the demerit, I tell it like it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Outlaw shoelaces, stupid events with no purpose like gay parades (Dear gay people, we are aware you exist but straight people exist aswell and we don't have straight parades) or ecological campaigns (the only way to become green in a way that counts, that means on a massive scale, is by making green laws and mass recycling funded by tax money.).

    Coins shall only be used for buying coffee from machines, all prices in shops and supermarkets shall have rounded prices.

    Ban cigarettes and allow marijuana.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would follow the Constitution for starters.

    Next my big issue would be crime. I don't care if half the people are behind bars and the other half work for the prison/criminal system. That would mean everyone would have a job and everyone who needs to be behind bars would be. I want to stop hearing about how a 3 time criminal raped and murdered a woman. I want people to be shocked when a violent crime happens.

    For me the criminal justice system would have to be completely overhauled. That would be my focus.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well for me it depends on the situation & time.

    Right now - I would take care of the troops in Iraq and help them win the war. Now Israel is going to war and so we need to be cautious a little bit.

    Too many wars = too many anti's.... = terror.

    The people in Iraq who are fighting are brave, courages soldiers who have shown much love to the United States and should be awarded too - win the war and come home as soon as possible. But they definitley cannot come home without a victory. It'll show the world that the U.S. are wimps....

  • 1 decade ago

    If i were president i would continue this war because a win is in sight! Obama shpould NOT give up!!!! I would make sure government is funding faith based groups and community service corp groups. I would dig for oil and have an immigration freeze and secure our borders. I would make sure all active teachers in public schools are actually qulified to teach. I Would also make abortion totally illegal!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    my number one thing would be to help people facing foreclosure priority, because the truth of the matter is, people will keep a roof over there heads and pay their rent or mortgage before they go out spending money to help the economy

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