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Donna <>< asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Why do some people not realize that war is not fair?

I don't think I remember before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and was hit in retaliation with the Atom bombs by the US on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But did we always go attack a country and then go in and help rebuild it? Why does the US go in and try to help rebuild Iraq after I watched on CNN that we bombed Iraq. Especially since we have had many contractors killed trying to do their jobs over there to help rebuild when they didn't have to.

I think that if any place is bombed because of terrorists etc. that they should rebuild their own countries! Did they help rebuild our Twin Towers after we were attacked and thousands killed in our country? And we didn't attack them first either. No one helped us rebuild nor give us back the lives and families that were affected because of this.

Israel didn't ask for anything but for what was theirs, yet they are being attacked and killed just because they are defending themselves. Yet the US is getting condemned if we stand up for them against these terrorists, Hamas.


{A} the part about giving back lives was not literally because I know that they can't bring them back, and can't make the families have their loved one back again. And no one can ever make up for taking lives.

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hey may want to look way back in history, to the days of Jacob and Esau, Jacob got the "Birthright because Esau was lazy". Then again, look at Cain and Abel, the "First war" so to speak, but actually the first murder. Abel's gift found favor with God and Cain's didn't, done deal, Cain Murdered Abel. you said, Wars take place for "Self-Centered" reasons, Hitler wanted to rule the world, Tojo wanted the entire Asian Ring, S. Hussien wanted Power (like many do), I. Komenni wanted "Islamic" exactism, Mao Tsai Dung wanted absolute Power, I can go on and on, but the bottom line is always Power, Things, you know MY stuff. It's all mine!!! Anyways, there are people too that say "Well...war is good, it helps to control the population and that's a must!!" They seem to think it's up to them as to who lives and who dies. It will never change until the return of Jesus Christ!!

    Realize, Hamas is a "Terrorist Organization" and always has been, they are no differant than the "Mujahedeen", or the Al Queda. They beleive that everyone in this world should beleive as they do simply because....they do. It's one thing to think I may be wrong about something, but it's a whole differant thing to kill me for it. It's lunacy!!

    Personally, I stand with Israel, they have been shoved and moved and killed every where they go and in many cases simply because they are Jews. The United States is still doing this today with the Indians and we were the first people of this country. It's trully not right, but then no one ever told me life would be fair. I have to accept it!! I can say this though, it's the absolute worst when the kids become the victims, they shouldn't have to live that way.

    Source(s): It's so sad isn't it??? The way we think we're so civilized and then things like this come along and proves everyone wrong. Only the Lord, can make a differance!!
  • Janie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think we help rebuild a country after we bombed it obviously because it is not fair for all the innocent civilians. We destroy their country and they all suffer, not just the terrorists, etc. What about the innocent people? Anyway, according to Bush Jr, we were there trying to "spread freedom." BTW, many countries offered us their help after the 9/11 attacks, and they responded a lot faster than we often respond to crises in other countries.

    Your last statement in paragraph 1 does not really make sense. Sorry, but how would anyone be able to give us back the lives lost in the attack?

    War is horrible for many reasons. I watched a video once where they showed the little children in Japan suffering from the Napalm. It was horrible...just innocent children. The atom bombing in Hiroshima killed SO many people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. Israel has every right to exist and to take out terrorists who would threaten its very existence. Hamas says that it wants Israel to run red with the blood of Jews.

    It's nauseating to see the international press take issue with Israel defending itself from continued assault, including over a thousand rocket attacks launched by the terrorist organization Hamas into random cities. So what if the rockets of Hamas are not very accurate and the Israeli military is wonderfully effective? Should sympathizers give Hamas another 3,000 chances to improve their aim before it becomes politically correct to sic' em?

    These passages are taken directly from the official Hamas Charter:

    "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."

    The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

    "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

    To the lady above me : Whatever Israel did in the past, Hamas is doing in equal or greater measure NOW. Neither side who does those things is right but Israel has a responsibility to defend their own people now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    War brings death and Death is never fair. There is no such thing as a war to help, there is always motives behind it (economical, personal...) The truly unfair part is that people die because of these motives. Just like you, I wish the right people would realize someday how unfair and most of the time unnecessary it really is.

  • I agree with what your saying, but we all need to stop and see things from their point of view, to them were the equivalent of invaders. What many people fail to realize is that when 9/11 happened the country was in panic and pointing finger, blaming it all on all of Iraq. The country of Irag did not start a war with us, terrorist did.

    People have believes, and as long as they have those believes they will fight to the death for them. That is basically what is happening in Israel. You may not like what is happening but you need to realize that all of this was inevitable.

    Source(s): Opinion
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So war is not "fair". What's your point? Did someone tell you it was supposed to be? Hamas attacks Israel with rockets, Israel retaliates with F-16's. Sounds about right to me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    War is not Fair? yet it is the only way Humans know how to live, since the birth of Humans, there has been War

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The US always takes it in the shorts no matter what we do.

    Hold on to your hat cause Barry is loved by the rest of the world and they will stop beating up on us.

    We are so fortunate to have such a leader

  • 1 decade ago

    The Palestinians left in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been under brutal occupation for sixty years and, progressively, they have had more and more of their land stolen by armed Israeli settlers. They have had their homes demolished, their farms and orchards cut off by concrete walls, their taxes withheld by the ‘victimized’ Israelis.

    They have suffered IDF massacres by the dozens, have had to queue for hours at checkpoints, have had to suffer the indignity of ‘Israeli-only’ roads. The Palestinians have been starved, had their women and children shot by IDF snipers, their men have been imprisoned without trial, tortured, you name it. .

    In the last century, no other group of humans have had to endure as much prolonged suffering as the Palestinians. They have tried to fight back, rightly so, but the Israelis are too well-armed. America has seen to that!

  • 1 decade ago

    Think your mama hasn't told you that Palestine actually belonged to Muslims before Jews started to 'claim' their rights over it. And Hamas (with the support of Palestenians) only wants their land back.

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