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My fiance has schizophrenia what should I do ?

I fiance a couple a months ago started hallucinating thinking someone was stalking her I thought she was telling the truth "about a real person" cause she did at one time have a real stalker she got a restraining order against him and hasn't bothered her since but it progressed to thinking people was taking pictures of her and later that day thought the landlord was involved so I took her to the hospital who released her saying for her to take her panic attack medicine but when got home she thought someone was shooting her in the head and she saw blood all over her and she also thought they took her genitals out and they put medal pieces in her heart and head so I took her back to the hospital who released her again after a night stay. then she started when she got home again so I took her to another hospital and they emitted her into a psychiatric facility and got worse their but then started to get back to normal so they moved her into another facility but yesterday she asked me if they were going to kill her but she understood when I told no but later I called her again and she yelled at me to come get her, but I can't, and it hurt me when she started crying to little improvement except she told me they forced her to take a shower and wash her hair cause she hadn't for about a month but I talked to a nurse and I had told my girlfriend to wash her hair before and the nurse said that was all it took after I got of the phone with her about a 1hr before she asked the nurse if she could wash her hair and the nurse said she did on her own real good

sorry about the long message alot has happened

12 Answers

  • tutor
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The meds that are prescribed to schizophrenics often have side effects that cause the schizophrenic to refuse to take them, or after awhile, they think they are cured and stop taking them. Being in a mental ward, locked up, is a very scary thing, but I assure you the staff will take good care of her. They have to be firm and sometimes seem cold and treating the patients like animals, but sometimes that's all the patient will respond to. It's good that she's in the hospital. She is safe, she is getting treatment both medical and therapy, and she is learning coping mechanisms and how to care for herself. I've spent my share of time behind those doors for my severe depression, and I've seen schizophrenics, bipolars, paranoids, and every other kind. She is in good hands. Keep calling her and remember that the unkind words aren't coming from her but from her illness.

  • Paul A
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    She is going to need a lot of patience and understanding - and also for you to have the realization that it's going to be a very rough road at times.

    I would very highly recommend the book, "Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers" by E. Fuller Torrey, Fifth Edition. I know Barnes & Noble has it. It is very good reading and tells a lot about schizophrenia - what it is, how it's treated, and how to deal with it. It's in paperback form, and it'll tell you a lot about what she's going through, and also what you can do.

    You might also check out the website it has a Q&A section, a blog, and articles from experts in the area of schizophrenia. You could put in a question there, and get answers.

    This has to be a real "shock" for you.

    I wish you and your fiance the best of luck :-)


  • 1 decade ago

    That's so weird, today I watched a series of episodes called Hollyoaks. It's a british soap opra though. It's about an emo teenage boy who met his friend while his mother was in rehab. Him and his friend did everything together. Then his friend turned evil and was getting the boy to murder the people he loved. (his friend isn't real by the way)

    Ok I need to stop there, I love those episodes too much I could go on and on. But the boy, Newt loved a girl name Lauren. He finally ended up going to the hospital to get treatment, sometimes he would be in a happy enough mood and then sometimes he would be insane and be mean to his girlfriend. She knew that he had problems but loved him so she needed PATIENCE big time. He took pills to make the hullutionations go away and wrote in a journal about everything. Things eventually got better.

    So if you really love your fiance you need to understand that you will need an outstanding amount of patience with her, love her even when she's acting ill, and don't give up on her.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's not much you can do besides be by her side and make sure that she's safe and sound. It sounds like you help her keep a part of her sanity.

    Schizophrenia comes and goes, and it might have come because of some kind of stress, or just a history in her family.

    Just make sure she's safe and be by her side to help her through this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think there's much you can do except stick with her as much as you can, and don't blame her.

    Schizophrenia's a serious disease, it's not some kind of baloney neuroses. It's not an act and she's not doing it for attention.

    I hope she gets better. You're in a tough situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't worry about the long message...hey, you HAVE been thru alot!

    all you can do is support her.. schizo iz genetic in my family & it hurts so bad 2 see my family go thru it. just stay strong for you AND her, and after she has been on her meds for a while things will get better. if you have a religion you can go to it also! there also should be support groups in your area to help with loved ones like yourself. hope i hepled!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    She needs serious psychological counseling and antipsychotics. There's not much you can do except to be understanding and compassionate and help her keep up on her medication. I suggest getting yourself into some counseling so you can prepare yourself and cope better with it. If she stays on her medication she'll be fine.

  • Kitty
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There isn't much you can do but stay by her side if you truly love her. I've only heard cases this bad get worse. :(

    My uncle had schiz, it's a very sad thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok. i think you shuld say to her. its for her own good. love her as u would love her normally. just bee extra nice. dont leave her coz she isnt mental. i thnk shes getting betta make her feel special. and stuff.

    it doesnt matta about her mentalitlity. just keep saying she get better. have u told her ? about he situation? coz if u tell her. it may get a bit outa hand


  • 1 decade ago

    You are lucky, i wish i had a crazy friend/girlfriend. Enjoy the chaos.

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