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I feel like i need a makeover! overall advice anyone?

i wear glasses, and retainers, and i am tall. i use to be fat, now im just plump. i know i am plump although it's not so visible because i'm tall. either way i do no wear sleeveless. i have huge arms. =( its sad and doesn't look proportinate to my body! well i'm the jeans and tee-shirt girl. i want something different. i don't even wear skirts. i just waxed my legs, it wasn't a very good wax tho, and the hair has already started to grow.. im an asian with black hair, so that makes ir obvious.. i will definitely get another wax soon..

now i have started to wear my old three quarter pants and shorts again.. i just feel helpless and, dare i say it, lame. =(

sad sad girl, eh?

help! =)

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey! I know how you feel LOL I need a huge makeover. I often am broken out, my polish is always chipping (if I am wearing nail polish, which is a rare occasion), my hair is an ANNOYING wavy (unless I put it in a ponytail, sometimes it looks cute, like right now, or of course, I can straighten it, which I have done like 1 time this school year). I am also around 20 pounds over where I should be for my height, but everyone says to give or take ten, so I am around 5-10 pounds overweight (technically). I need to lose about 30 to be at my goal weight. ;) OK So to help you! Ask your orthodontist about wearing your retainers only at night. Unless your teeth move really quickly (mine do sometimes grrr) or you are still in the first month of wearing them, it should be ok to wear them at night only (they usually only make you wait a month before you can wear them only at night, unless yours are to straighten your teeth, not just KEEP them straight). Regarding the glasses: there is nothing wrong with them if they look cute on you! My BFF has glasses and I think she actually looks better with them some times! It all depends on your face and what type of glasses you have. If you look good in them, I would say save up money for contacts. If your parents will pay for them, that's great, but if not maybe you could ask them to chip in and pay a certain amount, like half (or however much they are willing to pay). I am a jeans and t shirt plus jacket and sneakers girl, so I know what you mean! I never wear skirts either. If you feel uncomfortable wearing them, I would say to wear one with leggings, or little shorts that other people can't see (just in case anything happens lol I do this when wearing skirts), or if you just don't want to wear skirts at all (like me), I say go with skinny jeans! They look great on tall people! Even I wear them, and I am short! Haha I wear kind of flowy tops that are long with them, because I think it looks more balanced with fitted clothes on the bottom and loose (but not in an "I got too big of a size" way) on the top. As for waxing your legs: I would say shave them. Waxing is painful and you need to let the hair grow out before you can do it again, but you can shave every day if you would like! Probably part of the reason you feel lame is just because some people are insecure. That's me! But if you wear cute shorts/ 3/4 length pants and hold your head up high, people won't think you're lame if you are confident in who you are. No you're not a sad, sad girl. You just had a little room for improvement, like EVERYONE does, especially me! ;) If you feel plump, I would say just don't eat obvious junk, drink lots of water (everyone says that but it really does help), and exercise when you can. Even simple things help. It is really fun to join a sports team at school to get in shape, or even one outside of school! You will make new friends this way as well! Good Luck!!! ;)

    Source(s): I could use a makeover myself...haha good idea for a question!!!~ And I don't mean that you shouldn't be confident in who you are. You definitely should be! You are unique and only you can be you. You were made specia;) and no one else will EVER be exactly like you, so be proud that you are not just like everyone else. ;)
  • 1 decade ago

    exercise, exercise, excerise.

    you hear a lot of people saying that it makes you feel better and helps you get in shape,

    and it really does. i go to golds gym 4 times a week, monday-thursday and it helps me relax and feel better about myself. you could play school sports too, but my mom doesn't let me because apparently she thinks im gonna get rapped or something. haha idk, but exercise regularly and eat healthy.

    also, you should spend time shopping with your family or friends, just buy yourself some nice stuff, like clothes that you like

    hope i helped :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, get a makeover. It will make you feel more confident. Also, exercising will boost your brain chemistry. Its worth a try. Choose not to feel bad about who you are! ;-)

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