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Why are atheists so hateful?

I was wondering Atheists seem to have some pretty hard and hateful ideas about anybody who disagrees with them (even with science backing them up)

Christians promote hope and an eternity in Heaven to those dying or injured, Atheists say there is no heaven and no hope.

Christians say we are better than animals, atheists say we are no better than an animal and shouldn't expect any better treatment.

Christians say a fetus is a life to be cherished, atheists say it is nothing more than a thing to be thrown away and forgotten about and an eagle egg is worth more( one can get fined 5,000 dollars for breaking one.)

Christians promote love and forgivness, Athesists say there is no such thing (since were all animals and all)

Christians actually look outside science to find answers, atheists are scared to look beyond the little box they all live in, afraid to find mortality.

Why are ahtiest so hateful?

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think you have read many of the Christian Posts have you many are filled with hate and Judgment , Not to say the Atheist post are all nice but both sides get mean and hateful .

    Christians seem to want to shove their beliefs down your throat , even after you tell them you don't want to hear it .

    Why are you so Pushy and Judgmental ?

    Where has any Atheist said there is no such thing as Love or Forgiveness?

    I know Many Christians who are Pro Choice and I know some Atheist who are Pro Life , Do you always Generalize so much ?

    Christians Look outside the Box?? What Planet do you live on? Christians as a whole are the most Narrow minded people I have ever met .

    Remember what Jesus said " Let You Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone"

  • 1 decade ago

    That is merely your perception and I'm guessing it's a matter of you having a hard time dealing with someone disagreeing with you.

    I know no atheist who says any of the things you've claimed except that there is no heaven. You've just twisted peoples words. I've never heard an atheist say there is no such thing as love or hope or that life should be thrown away. Atheists just don't claim these things come from any god and atheists are more likely to support a woman's right to choose and accept evolution. That doesn't mean we have no love or hope in our lives. You are grossly distorting reality.

    Atheists are no more hateful than any other group of people in this world and looking to wishful thinking to find reality is not a wise move for anyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Christians promote hope and an eternity in Heaven to those dying or injured, Atheists say there is no heaven and no hope"

    Christians promote fear of an eternity in Hell to those dying or injured, atheists say there is no Hell and no reason to be afraid.

    "Christians say we are better than animals, atheists say we are no better than an animal and shouldn't expect any better treatment."

    Christians say we are better than animals but their actions do not bear this out. Atheists agree that we, biologically, are animals, and that it takes an effort on our part to 'be human'.

    "Christians say a fetus is a life to be cherished, atheists say it is nothing more than a thing to be thrown away and forgotten about and an eagle egg is worth more( one can get fined 5,000 dollars for breaking one.)"

    Christians say that a single cell is the same as a baby and would make it illegal for a 14-year-old who was raped and gotten pregnant by her father to have an abortion 'because life is sacred'.

    Atheists understand that abortion is a hard choice to have to make, but that it is a personal issue.

    "Christians promote love and forgivness, Athesists say there is no such thing (since were all animals and all)"

    Christians promote intolerance and damnation, atheists say that those things are hateful and inhumane.

    "Christians actually look outside science to find answers, atheists are scared to look beyond the little box they all live in, afraid to find mortality."

    Christians never raise their eyes from the page of their "holy" book; atheists strain every belief through the fine sieve of logic and fact, for fear of being fooled.

    Why are Christians such big fat liars and slanderers?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We hate the sin, not the sinner. I mean we hate the evil done in the name of religion but not necessarily the people who are religious.


    Actually I think a human fetus is not worthless but I don't value it as high as a fully conscious human mother.

    "Christians promote love and forgivness, Athesists say there is no such thing (since were all animals and all)"

    Yes there is love and forgiveness in atheism. Those concepts existed thousands of years before Christianity came along.

    "Christians actually look outside science to find answers, atheists are scared to look beyond the little box they all live in, afraid to find mortality."

    No actually I love morality. Christians stay in their little box of the bible and ignore what science has to say about life.

  • 6 years ago

    Athiest are very hateful, they attack one group, they tell people there is no hope, they say they have proof evolution is real, if that's the case why is not everyone an atheist? Why is it that 90 percent of the world believes in a god or the God. So athiest claim that thier smarter than 90 percent of the world. They don't believe in God but they attack anything that says Jesus or God. Thats like me not believing in santa clause then starting a group, so we all can hate santa clause, and make people take down anything to do with santa. Spread hate against people who have santa clause stuff up. Correct me if im wrong but that sounds really dumb. You hate something that you don't believe in, how do you do that? Maybe time to take a trip to a doctor. I saw someone write, Christian say abortion is bad, but athiest say it hard but a choice. Well that's because we don't believe in killing we don't play God and kill people that don't have a choice.

  • 1 decade ago


    I could say the same thing about many religions being hateful, but I don't in many occasions if not all.

    "hope and an eternity in Heaven." And hate and eternal damnation in hell are what now?

    "Atheists say there is no heaven..." True, because there is no evidence of heaven, just like you'd say there is no proof of Valhalla.

    "...and no hope." O RLY? I disagree.

    "Christians say we are better than animals, atheists say we are no better than an animal and shouldn't expect any better treatment." False. Most animals should be treated with kindness and that includes humans. However, we're not food. We're not pets.

    "Christians say a fetus is a life to be cherished, atheists say it is nothing more than a thing to be thrown away and forgotten about and an eagle egg is worth more( one can get fined 5,000 dollars for breaking one.)" Again, no, we say abortion should be left up to the mother, if not the couple. It is her or their choice in the matter. As for an eagles egg, they're a threatened species.

    "Christians promote love and forgivness, Athesists say there is no such thing (since were all animals and all)." False. Although love and kindness, as well as every other emotion, are just electro-chemical reactions in the brain, such emotions should be used.

    "Christians actually look outside science to find answers, atheists are scared to look beyond the little box they all live in, afraid to find mortality." We look to science for biological and other scientific answers. For morality, we look to philosphers we agree with. In the Bible, it says to stone disobedient children (Deuteronomy 21:18). Do you agree with that?


  • 8 years ago

    Nonbelievers (there is no such thing as an atheist because they don't know all things about everything) still have a spark given by God. That means that in their heart they know that God exists but do not want Him in control.

    Rebellion and negative behavior become the armor needed to muffle God's voice which persists in their soul. The result is what we see as they flail against their own conscience and God's presence. Believers remind them of what they aren't. I think I would be angry too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We actually have very rigorous hate testing before we may call ourselves "ahtiests".

    Just to clarify a few things:

    1. Christians promote hope like Bergdorf Goodman promotes sale sweaters... there is always a catch and a condition to every sale. Atheists just believe hope has nothing to do with religion. Rather it has everything to do with personal merits, education, and access to opportunity.

    2. I am certainly smarter and more adaptable than any animal I know. The Theory of Evolution actually hinges upon the notions of species adaptability and survivability. I have never heard an atheist claim they are no better than animals.

    3. Atheist notions about abortion and fetuses have more to do with science than superstition. The moment you have found a way to measure and quantify what a soul is, let me know and perhaps I'll change my mind on the issue.

    4. Your claim that atheists don't believe in love in forgiveness is as silly as it is untrue. Please refrain from blatant attempts at character assasination.

    5. While I'm sure Christians are able to look outside science for answers, faith in a magic sky God isn't much to be proud of. Show me one Creationist who is willing to "look outside their box" of superstition and weigh the scientific evidence to the contrary. And if "mortality" finds me tomorrow, so be it. I'm ready to go at any time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good post. But try not to generalize people. I know good and bad people that claim to be Christian or Atheist. Though I am Christian, I have had great talks with Atheists. I don't agree with them, but if they take the time to respect my right to my beliefs, I will do the same for them. Many of the hateful people here are not even Atheists. They just like to cause trouble.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    almost all your statements have nothing to do with being hateful and have to deal with how people look at life. one thing that i believe that is wrong with society is that people think they are better then animals, it will most likely cause the downfall of society. christians do not promote love and forgiveness they believe in hell, and i can not think of anything more ****** up then that. tortured for entirety because they had imperfect brains, sounds real loving and forgiving to me. how are atheists afraid of mortality, they except that once we die, we die and that's it. christians are the ones who are afraid of mortality because they need there to be something after they die

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think some are just plainly hateful, persay. I just think that they feel the need to lash out at those who they feel or know are going to force their belief system on them. I believe and I feel that if that is the case then they are justified to be a little cranky because it IS annoying to have others persuade you into believing what you don't want to.

    As far as those who are just mean because they can be, your guess is just as good as mine.

    And just for the record, I have to agree with those before me and say that I feel that your generalizations are a bit harsh

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