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Enlisting in the Marine Corps at 23?

When I turn 23, I am very interested in joining the military for a few reasons, such as serving my country, doing something different and challenging, and hopefully meeting some good people.

And the Marine Corps is the branch I am interested in. I believe after boot camp I will receive the rank of PFC. This is in a year from now. What do you think of this?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey! Congrats on wanting to become a Devil Dog. I joined the Corps when I was a little older too. The only struggle that I had was having to listen to someone younger than me that out ranked me. I thought that I had the life experience and since both my parents were military I thought I already knew it all. But once I learned to get over myself and listen to others advise and experience, I learned to luv it. And now being older and higher ranking than many of my Marines not only do they look at me as a senior marine, but they also come to me for real life advise, kind of like a mentor. Good Luck Motivator!

  • 1 decade ago

    To each his own. The military is a wonderful idea and will definitely take care of you. When I decide to do something I want to do the best I can, and being that the Marines is "the hardest" I went with it.

    It is challenging regardless of your how well you think you are in shape. It's more mental anyways. Nothing that I can tell you will prepare for what you are about to experience.

    Not once have I ever regretted joining the Marine Corps. It is the smallest and most elite and the Marines to your left and right will quickly become closer than any friend you've ever had. Congrats on your decision. Maybe I'll run into in the fleet.

    Source(s): United States Marine
  • 1 decade ago

    That's not really a question for you to ask strangers on Yahoo. The decision is yours and you are the one who will be living that lifestyle for your enlistment. You wont be the only 23 year old, maybe one of the oldest in boot but there are lots of older Marines. Also you have to think of the benefits, adn also the disadvantages and hardships of leaving your life now.

  • 5 years ago

    No, bypass and connect. in view which you're 23, you have completed different issues, and prepared to connect the Marine Corps is a great element. yet do no longer anticipate to outrun all the different recruits in case you opt for to bypass. sturdy luck.

  • Lu W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Why exactly would you get PFC? Do you have college credits or a degree? Go for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think if you're okay with being a little older than most of the others, then Good for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    good luck and semper fi

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think what your doing is wonderful and we need more people like you!

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