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Do other shades of races discriminate against each other?

I mean, I know SOME blacks discriminate because of shade and/or ethnicity. What about other races? Latinos, Asians, etc. I travel a little bit, and always wondered about light skinned Latinos vs dark skinned Latinos. Do some who pass for white associate with other light skinned Latinos, while others who have black features associate with blacks. Do they get along, or is there some form of hate? What about Cubans and Puerto Ricans, do they get along like cousins. Or is it just Cubans deal with Cubans and Mexicans only deal with Mexicans. Something like African Americans and Africans. Can someone shed some light on this for me? All answers are welcome. thanks!!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, discrimination and prejudice happen all across the world, and unlike some people said here (which I'm sure they have no way to prove) it's not only related to Europeans taking over and separating people among themselves.Herd-like behavior may be found in all ethnic groups. Economical factors influence the way people feel about each other. People who are not very knowledgeable about history outside of their own country, and have not been exposed to other individuals of different ethnicities might never realize that minorities may be just as racist as the group in power, whatever that group may be.

    For instance, when the Spaniards came the the Caribbean over 500 years ago some of the tribes living there were already enslaving other tribes. Some of the groups were warriors, and some weren't so the stronger groups were already exploiting them.

    AA also discriminate like Hispanics and everybody else. I came here legally and I've been told more than once to get back to country by AA, and I also had a black girlfriend and it pissed a lot of AA off at my job. I'm not saying everybody is like this, but this idea that minorities are so tolerant and accepting is just ridiculous.

    I'm Hispanic and I would just need to hold hands with an Korean girl for example, and walk in a Hispanic neighborhood, and you'd see. I'm not saying I'm going to be attacked or anything but I will most likely find people that are going to be rude to us, already happened to me.

    There is also discrimination towards their own ethnic group. Like AA with lighter skin making fun of those with very dark skin, or light-skinned Hispanics discriminating against Hispanic with darker skin, some times to the point of not willing to even sit with that person on the same table (I've seen it too).

    Racial and ethnic believes are primitive and stupid. They're nothing but wishful thinking, people want to feel that they're born on the best group, and that they have to do nothing to "be special".

    Believe me, if blacks or Hispanics were the group with the most power in the US things would probably be the same, or maybe worse. I'm not justifying racism, what I'm doing is attacking racial pride.

    *Latinos that discriminate usually do it against people of a darker color, or another Latin American country, or even themselves.. A lot of times they don't even realized how stupid they sound as in "I might be black but I'm clean" (I've heard that too).

    *Asian racism is very complicated. I know that some Koreans have a fit if you confuse them with Japanese people, and that some East Asians are not very fond of south Asians.

    *I know a lady whose father killed her sister because she wanted to marry an Caucasian European guy. She was from Pakistan.

    *There is some tension between Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, fueled by economical and post-colonization factors.

    *Haitians are treated like fifth class citizens in most places in the Dominican Republic.

    *This one I cannot really explain but I've heard some Latin Americans showing animosity towards Mexicans, specially Latin Americans from the Caribbean. I even heard a half Mexican half Puerto Rican say that she was Puerto Rican and she had nothing to do with "those people".

    And the list goes on, and on. Unfortunately most minorities stay in denial about this their whole lives about this so I don't see thing changing any time soon. They usually like to focus on white racism only.

    And if anybody ever tells you that all forms of racism come colonization and Eurocentrism then you know that they really have no idea what they're talking about and they know very little about human behavior in general.

  • 1 decade ago

    Speaking as someone who grew up around many Asians, I know that many East Asians look down upon those who are darker skinned, like South Asians, or even other East Asians who are just naturally darker.

    I was told that this is because long ago the nobility would spend most of their days indoors, and therefore stay paler than the farming peasants. So, in their culture being pale is associated with wealth, beauty, etc.

    I always thought it was an interesting contrast to American culture where being tan was a sign of beauty as it meant you had more time (and hence money) to afford a tan.

    Me personally, I think it's all rather silly and a reflection of the shallowness of some people...

    Source(s): people I have known.
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they do. the main reason for this is because back when the Europeann countries were taking over, theybasicallyy would split the ppl among themselves. This is true if you look into black history. You'll find that house slaves andfieldd slaves discriminated against each other because the house slave was treated better because they were of lighter sin color. I'm unsure about other races but i do know that Mexicans don't consider themselves spaniards becasue they won their independence from spain after theirevolutionaryry war.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a African American thank you for saying SOME of us discriminate against each other for our complexions. I have to disagree on the African American vs Africans. Take in consideration there is a cultural difference that exists between us as with any other different cultures.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Chinese and Vietnamese make fun of Cambodians for being dark skinned.India's bigotry is easily visible in their movie industry as its all lighter skinned Indians.In south America shade doesn't matter but nationality does.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ignorance is everywhere. In my home country nomads and darker skinned brown ppl are discriminated against for no fkn reason.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yep I'm a red bone and dark skin girl hate me

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree discrimination occurs everywhere. I am Latina and have experienced it myself with other Latinos. I am not fluent in Spanish and for this sole purpose I am discriminated against. I have not noticed it with color amongst us. Maybe because, well at least for us Puerto Ricans, you can have a family member who is blonde with blue eyes(Like Cameron Diaz) and in the same family you can have someone who is dark skinned and with dark eyes(Like Celia Cruz).

  • 1 decade ago

    unfortunately yes there are people that are like that

    its sad i know

    but at the same time there aren't people like that nd they except just about everybody.

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