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Bleach vs. Naruto vs. One Piece?

Which do you dislike and why?

Saying that you don't like the artwork contradicts you of being an anime fan. If you hate the artwork of a particularly anime, you're basically discriminating the artwork of all shonen creators.

Just say that you can't get into it or something along those lines.



That's like saying every male lead who's searching for something is stupid. Don't you have a better explanation?

Update 2:

So, some of you say that One Piece is dumb?

Well, that contradicts with other shonen anime and manga as well.

Come up with a better reason.

Update 3:

How can a small ninja, like Naruto, with Kyuubi inside him, defeat Goku, who has the power to destroy the universe?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    sorry but it's Naruto -_-

    as for now, RIDICULOUS!!!! and overrated

    really, you might not believe it but I'm watching the latest episode of shippuuden right now and it'd be my last, I'll quit Naruto from now!!

    you must be saying like don't watch the anime just read the manga and so, but just to let you know I've watched the whole naruto series without any filler episode, so it must be the same as the manga, what really annoys me the most is the shitload of flashbacks it has, the annoying Naruto himself, Sakura and Sasuke which means all the 3 main characters in the story, I can endure Sakura a bit but for Naruto I can't stand him at all, all he does is yelling and screaming, he's just a stupid wanna-be........ he can't even act, the whole character is wrong!! then Sasuke comes another annoying character (less than Naruto of course) all he does is showing off and he has nothing but revenge!! what a boring personality, and lastly Sakura helpless till Shippuuden but I have to admit she's better than both Naruto and Sasuke but still i hate her!! and I can't stand hinata at all!!!! whenever she comes on the screen I hit my head with something, her voice and face both are stupid and she shies a lot, I mean c'mon being a girl isn't like that, we girls don't blush all the time!! and that naruto didn't even realize that she loves him, how can someone be that stupid!!

    the second(is it the third, lol idk) thing I hate about Naruto is the continuous killing habit, omg some of the characters don't have to die and now they killed Kakashi!! T_T he was the one who helped me endure those stupid 3!! and now he's dead, why the hell should I continue watching the series or even read the manga, the whole plot now will be going around Sasuke and Naruto and I don't give a sh!t about Sasuke if he'll return or not, the only one who deserves to die is him! the only thing is left is the akatsuki and we all know what'd happen to them, they'll be vanished somehow, the plot pretty much is predictable and not exciting at all -_-

    the whole Naruto is concentrated on one thing, that's what makes it boring, it must contain some variety and excitement...

    and what another thing that makes Naruto bad is its crazy fans!! they make it the worst, why do they make such a fuss about it saying it's the best and every other anime is bad, stupid fans >.> well not all the fans but only the crazy ones xD

    Source(s): copied from my previous answer on a question asked recently... (my answer from Grimmjow's recent question)
  • 1 decade ago

    Naruto is the one I don't like the most out of those, it got boring, a little kiddish and it's just not for me.

    As for not liking the art work in One Piece means discriminating on the artwork of all shonen creators I disagree. Not all Shonen artwork looks like that because each creator has a certain style which is why each anime is different. The artwork in One Piece is simply just not to my taste. I still have respect to the artist for creating it though. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a personal opinion that I have concluded about one of these shows. Please do not report abuse (anyone that reads this answer) for I have properly warned you. This isn't a threat, just the way I see things.

    Don't worry. My hatred toward an anime will have a damn good reason behind it............from all of those, I'd say Naruto.

    too mellowdramatic, clearly made for 13 year-old emo kids trying to cheer up. The animation was brilliant at one point as well as the voice acting but the producers and dubbing companies have become lazy and dunk off of power, realizing that the fast speeding train of what we love to call naruto doesn't need it's flashy decorations anymore. There is now a perminant wave of fangirls willing to make out with other fangirls dressed up as naruto or sasuke (I always see this at the anime conventions, seriously, not joking around here).

    Naruto was a fantastic idea but its fans have tarnished its name as well as its creators. I don't see any point in putting effort into watching an anime that is cared so little for.

    Why don't I see that in Bleach or One Piece? Well, actually Bleach is starting to hit that point also, but it still keeps to its goal of the storyline (except the latest anime fillers). Naruto is just chucked full of them. They don't even have a meaning anymore.......and people are actually emotionally moved by that? I just don't get it.

    Saddinly enough, the anime industry has its serious flops but I think the one that made it to the U.S. us just a joke. It had potential, fabulous potential just as Heroic Legend of Arislan did, but carelessness by all sides has made that future crumble into dust.

    sorry, but this is just how I see Naruto. The other two are more bearable to watch. Actually, I think I enjoy One Piece the most (I'm not just limited to liking the oldies by the way).

    nya nya now.

  • I love Naruto. I was introduced to it by a close friend of mine, and I've been hooked on it ever since.

    However, he recommended Bleach and One Piece to me as well. But I just can't seem to get into it. I don't know. It might be that I don't have the time to read the chapters and watch the shows to get to the good parts, which is very contradictory I know, I'm sorry. But I really just can't seem to get into it. I get really bored of it, and I just stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really dislike Naruto because it's highly overrated and it's completely and utterly useless. I really can't stand the horrible fillers and the fans. The fans are what really drove me away.

    Seriously, claiming that Naruto can beat Goku? How f***ing retarded are they?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Naruto because I think its overrated and the difference between the power level of the kids and adults. Like Naruto and Sasuke are teens and they are only weaker than like 5 other characters

  • 1 decade ago

    Naruto, it's like overrated by kids since it's been on in America.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I Just happen to Like Bleach More. I Like Naruto just sometimes i get alittle bored with it.

    and i havn't had a chance to watch One peice sadly. so i like Bleach.

    Source(s): Muhaha
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bleach. I do like the anime and the characters, but it's waaayy too confusing for me. I don't understand it and if you miss a couple episodes it's like you missed the first half of Law and Order.

  • Bleach is the only one of the 3 that I actually like.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    naruto cuz its a filler filled show with nothing but flashbacks and the author is running out of ideas cuz its getting boring


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