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Christians any Testimonies? ?

Christians do you have any testimonies of how God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has worked through your life? I would love to hear what people have went through or over came. Thank you. And God Bless.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Three years ago, I was hovered in a room with one roommate, my boyfriend at the time, as we were all stranded, scared, and a little soaking wet. The lights were gone by that hour. Munching on a few chips and some drinks that still were cold, we sat around a couple candles and the aid of 3 flashlights. By this time, the sky was dark and eerie. Things weren't what it should be. It wasn't supposed to ever get this bad.

    It was 2005, and I was trying to make it through the night. The night Katrina hit Mississippi. It had already barreled its way through my parents' home and my grandparents' homes. It had already displaced most of the gulf coast and much of New Orleans. I didn't really want to have to sit around to figure out what it would do to me, my friends, my town, and my college.

    With the phone dead and the lights gone, we had no way of knowing what was going on around us. We simply knew one thing -- hang on. We were frightened for loved ones we had not heard from. We were scared for friends that we knew we actually on the road. We were scared for ourselves.

    I had a small battery powered radio. I slipped the batteries in it and pushed the scan button to scan to see if any stations were up. Many had lost power and any ability to broadcast. I was hoping that one was still up. 90.3 came in clearly. It came in clearly all the way to 91.7. It was the same station. It was a small radio station that usually only came up on 90.7 and 90.9 if you were lucky that day. It was strange that it was covering so many stations that it normally didn't come in on at all. I pushed scan again. It stopped again back on 90.3. It was the only station I was able to pick up. Some of you may think nothing of this. But, my roommate and I sat in shock. It was the only Christian radio station in the area, and in the midst of a hurricane, we could pick it up, loud and clear! This is a station that is done nationwide, so the songs aren't picked by someone in the state. The songs are set by someone in a nice warm spot in California.

    I grabbed a blanket from my bedroom. My boyfriend came over earlier and then got stuck there. My other two roommates were stuck in friends' apartments as well. Thankfully, everyone was accounted for in my circle of friends. He sat down on the small loveseat. I was lying in the floor. My roommate was lying on the couch. We all listened closely to praise music and worship songs as the winds howled and the limbs hit the roof and the balcony outside. A few minutes into the program, a familiar song came on. It's an old one and has been around long enough that everyone should know it without my having to post the lyrics. Our God is an Awesome God. I smiled and thought, "Indeed, you are. Now, please, get me through this storm!" I began to cry because I really was scared.

    You have to understand that I don't sleep very well at all. I tend to have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. I can honestly say that before that time, I hadn't truly slept in about 7 years. Oh, I slept on and off each night, but my body NEVER rested.

    Another song came on the radio. It was Casting Crowns. Had I heard this one? Yes. Wait. Is this? Yes. It is. I couldn't believe it. Neither could the other two people in the room. The radio was playing "Praise You in This Storm".

    The song came on and I snuggled in for the night. I sat worshipping God in the middle of one of the worst hurricanes ever -- certainly the worst in my lifetime and my parents' lifetimes. I sat, in the midst of Katrina, praising God. I praised God in this storm and slept. No, actually, I rested. That was the first night I rested -- truly rested my weary body -- in many years. The sense of peace and calm that come over my body was amazing.

    In the midst of your worst storms, God is there. In the midst of the worst times, when you think the world has turned its back on you and you have NO WHERE to turn. God is still there. Praise God in your storms -- no matter if they are spiritual storms of life or actual hurricanes.

    Peace be with all of you and yours.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, the power of my intuition has been my biggest testimony. All the time I have that 'weird feeling' or 'something told me to..'. Its funny you asked that qestion today. Just yesterday I was in the car with my dad and it was around 6in the morning. He was driving and I was tired an layed back in the seat. While sitting there, NO JOKE, in my head it was like i was talking to my self. I went "GET UP, BRACE YOURSELF JUST IN CASE".. So i sat up an I realized my dad was speeding down the road and I go "hold on, stop" (just kinda said it randomly) and he goes "What?", as soon as we turned this sharp curve there was this huge horse in the middle of the road..We live in the woods so people do own horse btw.. But stoppd, literally just touching the horse with the grill of the car...NO tellin what wouldve happend if I didnt warn my dad to slow down. A couple of years ago I was out on the golf course alone after work. I was two holes from the club house and was the only person out on the course. It wasnt too late, just about 5 pm and I got this really weird feeling like a "GO" type thing..and a drop in my stomach. I stopped and looked up.. in the horizon was what looked like a huge black slate in the sky..Within 20 seconds the sky was black..this honestly is no exageration. I didnt have a cart so I was scared out of mind fareal. So as I run back its just dark windy and rainy.. but I made it back to the clubhouse and my boss is like "wow your still here, theres been a tornado warning, you made it in just in time." he goes "Look" and points to the window.. I look out an see chairs and tables FLYING. What made it so much more sureal was how the next day, trees had fallen were id been when i got that feeling.... Ive had countless other events but those are what come to mind for now. I cant say for sure but I think that these bazare feelings are Gods doing. MIRACLES are just as much proof.. A friend was tellin me when she was at summer camp for church, she saw a a boy drowned, pulled out of the water lifeless, and brought back to life..PULSELESS to breathing in the absence of CPR and medical support. The pastors came over and prayed on him and he awoke.. I mean I cant how people can deny God or at least a supernatural force when things like this have happen. Like on the news a couple of weeks ago there was this huge plane crash and EVERYONE died but this one teen girl..Idunno Ive seen and been through enough to know that everything happens for a reason and there is a God out there..

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